Lump in my testicles

  • 3 replies
  • 12 subscribers

I went to my doctor today she examined me but couldn’t tell me what it was she said it’s not a cyst. It’s painful I’m sure I haven’t had it long as I check often . I’m being referred to a urologist how long do I have to wait . I had kidney cancer 6 years ago I’m absolutely beside myself.

  • FormerMember

    Hello and welcome here hope we can all help. Firstly well done you for regular checks and getting it looked at quickly that is so important. The first thing that needs doing is ultrasound that will effectively determine if the lump is a serious problem or not, as much as anyone can have a feel and be concerned I promise they can not diagnose it is not a cyst or anything else by feel alone. I would have thought the first thing they would have done yesterday was book that before urologist international. If it comes back as suspicious mass within the testicle then I am afraid they will always remove it to be safe. This is a fairly routine surgery with many posts on here and blogs to look at. This is NOT  like your previous illness even if it comes back positive as the survival rates are in the high ninety percent range and caught early the operation is often all the treatment ever required. You should wait no more then two weeks to be seen from now but I would be calling today to see if scan has been booked

    Kind regards


  • Hi Dougie 

    thanks for you reply I really appreciate it , went into total panic yesterday but feeling myself more today. It’s quite painful so be glad when it’s sorted I’ll keep myself positive.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Rew57

    Anytime you need someone to go over things with there’s always someone here. AVOID GOOGLE that’s my best advice stick to here. Good thing is severe pain not common symptom that is more infection but often people have discomfort or a heavy sensation. Positivity your best friend just now 
