False-positive HCG

  • 4 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Basically I just started this post to have some record in this group about false positive HCG levels! 

Couple of weeks ago in my routine blood test my HCG came back elevated which first indicated that my earlier treated seminoma (adj chemo Carboplatin, relapsed treated with BEP) came back for the second time pushing me towards TIP chemo. However even if my oncologist seemed a bit "scarred" we repeat the blood test. I asked him to test my testosterone levels too at the same time because for some time I feel some signs of low testosterone. 

The test came back, testosterone really low, HCG undetectable. So I got testosterone replacement therapy instead of a heavy TIP chemo and my HCG remains undetectable! 

As the specialists said my low testosterone and high levels of LH (luteinizing hormones) could have been easily interfeering with my HCG test! 

It was a scary few weeks but I came out on the lucky side again! I searched for another false positve HCG tests on this forum without succes, however I have found a few in the american forums. 

I just thought I will leave a mark here so if someone will be in my situation have this example as a hope that HCG indeed do come out sometimes false positive and there can be an explanation for it!

  • What wonderful news Huni. So so happy to read this. Hope you have a lovely Christmas. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Huni, 

    This sounds as a very good news!! How big was your false positive Hcg? And what were your low T simptoms/levels?

    I noticed upper 'normal' limit in UK for hcg is 2ul/l while in USA is 5ul/l.

    Many thanks, 


  • FormerMember

    This is really helpful as my husband this morning just had a raised HCG ( (Intact)  of 15 for first time in 3 years after same chemo.

    Hoping the findings are similar.

  • FIngers crossed for your husband! I know it can be worrying but it can happen that its just a false positive for few reasons not just only for testo related issues!