Time from ultrasound

  • 10 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Good afternoon, 

I was just wondering how long people had to wait from when they had their ultrasound to seeing a Urologist? 

My story so far is that I visited my GP on Monday 11th November after discovering my right testicle felt very different to my left. He referred me for an ultrasound that I had last Wednesday (27th November). My US showed a tumour and so an urgent referral was sent to the hospital Urology dept, however, I still have not heard anything. I was told that as it is urgent that I would hear from them within three days. I’m not sure how it works with the hospital with regards to weekend days and so would today technically be classed as day 3, although for me this feels like day 5. I just want to get things moving.

Waiting for the US, this forum was so helpful for me and just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has shared their story and contributed. 


  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with a tumour so it's understandable that you want to know how soon you should see a urologist.

    I can't answer your question, as I had a different type of cancer, but I noticed that no one had responded. Of course it could be that you've now been contacted by the hospital and have your appointment date. If you haven't you could contact your cancer nurse specialist (CNS), if you've been assigned one, or the urologist's secretary if you don't have a CNS.

    Wishing you all the best


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Thank you for your response Latchbrook.

    I called the Urologist Secretary and was told that I was currently on the waiting list but that she would book me in for an appointment. I now have a clinic booked for 19th December which seems ages away. My GP had signed me off work so I am going to contact him so I can get back to work for a while before the clinic. 

    Thanks again. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Brodie,

    Sorry to hear your going through this also.

    Im guessing every hospital and experiences will be different.

    Just a note on my timescales;

    - GP appointment 7th September. Urgently referred.

    - Urology appointment 10th September (no ultrasound at this point). Was told it felt suspicious and called back in the afternoon for an ultrasound.

    - Urology appointment 12th September. Confirmed i had a tumour on one of my teste. I had to go for sperm banking and surgery was booked for the 19th September.

    - Surgery 19th September.

    - CT scan 23rd September.

    - Consultant 26th September. I was given my diagnosis and options were discussed. 

    I was impressed with how quickly it was dealt with, all within 3 weeks. Its also a lot to take in, in such a short time. 

    Just remember the word 'tumour' doesn't mean 'cancer'.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Smithy164,

    Thank you for your reply and it is great that you were treated so quickly. 

    So far my experience has been:

    11th November - GP appointment and referral for ultrasound.

    27th November - Ultrasound where GP called me back within an hour and told me that a tumour was detected and that an urgent referral would be made to Urology dept. He said they would be in touch within 3 days. 

    4th December - I phoned Urology dept to chase what was happening and was told that next available clinic is 19th December. 

    So from original GP appointment to my first appointment with Urologist will be over 5 weeks. Just seems such a long time and I am now worried about Xmas break etc and when any treatment would begin. I have a holiday on 12th January that I am hoping I will be able to get on the flight.

    GP has also signed me off work so with no appointment for another 2 weeks I am thinking I should go back to work. 

    Take care

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I do find it odd that your GP let you wait 16 days until an Ultrasound. I had a physical exam and was referred on the 2 weeks immediately.

    I wasn't told how i would receive my appointment, but i got a text two days later asking me to see the consultant the following day.

    I guess i got extremely lucky with how quickly i was dealt with.

    Perhaps you not being seen as quickly is a good sign? There are many alternatives to cancer, even a cyst would be classed as a tumour. My first consultant told me in his experience hes 99% sure its cancerous, just from looking at the ultrasound, i appreciated his honesty and i guess he knew his stuff.

    I don't believe they biopsy due to the risk of spread. They may move quickly once you have seen the Urologist, but i wouldn't worry to much about the holiday, what will be will be, and your health is more important than anything else!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My GP sent me for a two week referral but when the hospital called a couple of days later they said that was the closest that they could do. 

    When I had the ultrasound the sonographer wanted me to see the urologist there and then and called the department but they were in theatre so said to let me go home and they would be in touch within 3 days.

    I suppose my worry is just relating to how long I am having to wait and that bit of poor communication. 

    Hopefully the wait will be a good sign. 

    Thank you. 

  • Hi Brodie,  

    The waiting is without doubt the worst thing! 

    My husband went private so our waiting times a bit different although some on here have been quicker through NHS. 

    I can’t remember exactly but he saw his GP last December ( a Thursday). Had ultrasound a week later. Saw urologist four days later then had his op about six days later. However he then went Through NHS And was about eight weeks after op ( Christmas delayed things) to see the oncologist. 

    From what I understand from a friend who knows a radiologist ( the medical scan reader) if they are worried you get seen within days. If not you wait longer so I think you should definitely see any waiting as a good sign. 

    I also understand that TC is a slow growing one so another reason not to worry if that is what it is. 

    I hope the waiting not too tough. Keep busy until 19th so no time to think. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Brodie,  I hope you do not have to wait long.  There was 15 days between the scan and the urology appointment.  I had the apointment  from urology, before the GP had seen me to tell me the scan results.  But Ive noticed  on here that everyone  is not the same.  I would get the GP to chase up.  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Spirited

    Hi Spirited, 

    Thank you for your reply. 

    I think it is definitely my personality that is making this quite an uneasy time for me. I am definitely not a patient person. 

    I spoke to a person who had a similar experience to mine. We live in quite a rural area but lots of patients get referred to the one main hospital. He asked to be referred to a smaller hospital which is around 100 miles away and they were able to see him sooner. I called the Urologist secretary and she said that she will call back on Monday to see if they can see me sooner there. 

    Kind regards


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your reply Ian. It does seem to be different perhaps depending on the area. The Sonographer I had for the ultrasound was from a different area and wanted me to be seen that day. He said that’s what would happen in his area but different here. 

    I am looking at possibility of going to another hospital that may be able to offer an appointment quicker. 

    Take care