Still waiting treatment plan

  • 9 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi guys,

im quite concerned as from reading other people’s recent posts, seems that they found out what type of cancer and treatment plans was not long after their operation. I had my orchiectomy on Friday 8 November, so it’s been well over two weeks and I have not heard anything. Even more frustrating I was never given a contact number. I managed to track down a number on letter from consultants secretary which just rings and rings. I was told by the surgeon on the day of my operation (even though I had to ask) that my X-ray for chest was clear but my lymph nodes by tummy was just under 1cm, - I’m getting worried, As if left may be worse. It seems people knew even what size their tumor was . I’ve been told absolutely nothing! 

any advice would extremely be helpful - am I just been a little too impatient ? Or should I have been informed by now ? 

The hospital is Basildon hospital - in Essex 

Thanks Guys 

  • My husband had his orchiectomy mid Dec last year and although we knew the type of tumour from the urologist, he did not tell us any treatment plan. We didn’t find out anything about that until we saw the oncologist at the beginning of February. 
    I was concerned re the delay but a GP friend gave me some good guidance on this. She said firstly, if you need it, they won’t want to give you treatment until your body has fully recovered from the surgery ( 4 weeks plus) and also the delay is because every cancer case is looked at by a multi disiplinary team ( oncologist/ urologist/ nurses etc) and they agree the best treatment plan considering the results of the biopsy. This reassured me to know they would give the treatment plan careful consideration and tailor it to suit my husband. 
    If they were overly concerned you would know and remember this is a highly treatable and curable cancer at any stage. 
    I have also read on here that a raised lymph node on the stomach can often be scar tissue from surgery so don’t jump to conclusions. 
    They have done the x ray and scan. You are in the system. 
    That being said, if it helps you to ring and check re a date maybe limit yourself once to every few days then you can concentrate on giving your body and mind rest. 
    The waiting is without doubt the worst. 

    Take care. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Spirited

    Hi Spirited,

    Thanks for your reply.

    literally about an hour after I posted my message they called me. Asked me to go in next Monday lunch time for my results in the outpatients section. I asked regarding treatment plan etc and she said they will discuss your results and everything you need to know on Monday.  I was think of urgent would they have asked me in earlier? But then as you said, they want 4 weeks for body to heal, so I doubt that now. I’ll guess I find out on Monday if I will be needing chemo...

    ps.. I had the ct scan before my op, so lymph nodes were measured before and not after... although I’m sure that 1cm or under is not that large? But again, I’m not sure.


  • That’s great news! Think our delay was because of Christmas and the MDT meeting monthly and we just missed one. 

    As I understand it, they won’t worry about anything under 1cm. 

    Hope next Monday goes well and that no need for chemo but even if needed, all for the greater good! 

    My Hubbie needed 4 cycles of EP Feb-April ( dropped the B as he was over 40 and didn’t want any lung damage risk) and he is fit and well today so lots of people on here to help you through if comes to it. 

    In the meantime, try to live in today. Keep busy until Monday. You can’t control the physical but you can control the mental. 

  • FormerMember

    It does often take some time. I had my second Orchiectomy on 3rd October and was informed on about the 23rd ish that they had determined a Leydig Cell tumour. This has been referred from my operating hospital first to Scottish TC experts and since then to country experts in St Barts London. I am now told I will probably not hear any update until 20th December.  I know that the waiting can be horrendous but I can’t be that critical if they can take this long to diagnose so I would say don’t be too concerned. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hey Sconners!

    Glad to hear you managed to get your appointment sorted. I had my operation at the beginning of October and didn't hear right until the very end of the month what my plan was. It then took another week for written confirmation (a copy of what gets sent to your GP to come through!)

    I hope your diagnosis is positive and that the care is good at Basildon, I am being looked after by Colchester General, so I am just down the road from you! 

    Best thing you can do is not to worry, I am now healed from my surgery and have my first appointment for active surveillance today, and I have also been told to expect a date for a follow-up CT scan to boot!

    Always happy to answer any questions as we are located close together and I am just slightly further down the line than you!



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Will,

    thanks for getting in touch. How did your first appointment go ? I met with my consultant yesterday at Southend, he basically said that right at at the back of my tummy there’s an important lymph node and wants to keep an eye on it. It was slightly inflamed but not too large to raise any heads straight away, so he said to me there’s no point in offering me preventative chemo (single dose) as that will just mask it, so I am going to have a scan in 3 months, and see if anything has changed. So I guess that means I am under surveillance? He said he was going to give me a call in January to see how I’m feeling, very nice consultant. My blood tumors were normal before and after surgery and lungs clear. So I’m praying in 3 months when I have my scan it’s still all normal. 

    I hope they are treating you well in Colchester and all good with you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hey Sconners, 

    Great to heat back from you! It certainly sounds like they are keeping you under surveillance rather than taking you down the chemo route. 

    My first session went well yesterday, bloods are all reading as clear and my consultant was completely happy. He has scheduled me in for a follow up (3 months since I’ll have had one) CT scan, towards the end of January. Essentially - so far so good!

    Trying to keep my head held high and focusing on other things to keep my mind out of the PANICCC mindset! 

    Hoping for all the best for you, keep in touch and let me know how it goes!

    All the best,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hey Wil, how you getting on ?

    ive been trying to post a new subject on here for the last couple of days but keep getting ‘access denied’ not sure why! 

    really wanted to post something for advice but not sure why all of a sudden it’s not letting me 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hey Sconners,

    Great to hear from you!

    Things are going very well, got the dates through for my CT (mid January) and follow-up appointment (early February).

    Haven’t noticed any other odd symptoms or signs of anything bad, so just trying to stay busy and positive!

    Hope all is well with you, really not sure why the website is playing up - how annoying! Happy to answer anything that I might be able to help with!

    All the best,
