Heads spinning, happening so fast

  • 6 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi to everyone, my husband it seems has testicular cancer. He had an “infection” in his left testicle a couple of weeks ago, so GP gave antibiotics to help, eased it somewhat, and he had arranged for ultrasound just in case. We went in for the ultrasound last Wednesday, and as the pain was becoming bad again made appointment to see GP a couple of hrs after scan. Gp sent him straight to emergency, the results showed 8 solid masses in his testicle, largest one being 34 mm x 29 mm. Is that considered big? They did bloods in a and e and chest X-ray that evening. My husband rang me first thing Thursday morning to say he was on his way to theatre for removal. We were slightly shocked at the speed.  It went well, and the day after he had full body CT. Home now Saturday, and he has follow up bloods on Tuesday to see if the tumor markers are still raised.

So I guess I’d like to know if it’s common to have that many tumors in the testicle? And the size, is that normal? They are going to give us the ct results on Tuesday too, so it’ll all have been completed within a week, the speed of it concerns me, are they worried it’s spread and that’s why they are moving so fast?? Pretty worried here, although we both know that treatment works great for this cancer..

thanks a a million Guys!

  • FormerMember

    Hi there sorry to hear about your husband,  my son went to the docs with a lump and was also treated for an infection and was sent for an ultrasound just incase within 3 days of scan we were asked to go to fast track urology, we were told on the 1st July it was cancer and on the 5th it was removed,  ct scan and bloods a few days later,  which showed am enlarged lymph node in his abdomen, after lots of cock ups from our local hospital we were referred to another hospital, which demanded another ct scan and bloods to which we were told that there was no evidence of spread,  as you can imagine our heads were spinning,  we are waiting to find out more results on the 3rd dec , which is absolute torture,  the waiting around is the hardest part of this journey,  I hope you get some good news when you go back for the results,  the only good thing is that they have acted extremely quick and they have removed the horrible ba***rd. 

    Take care


  • FormerMember


    I can only comment on my own case.
    45 year Old male
    I got testicular cancer last year in November and same story as your husband, had and infection and few weeks later got emergency op to remove my right testicle the next day.
    I had many tumours on it and one was few cm’s, In the end they gave me one dose of chemo at start of January, which was nothing really and I rather get that done again than go the dentist. – I did not lose my hair or had any bad side Effects and have been great since. (On no medication) Took me a bit of time to get over the op and walking and lifting heavy stuff.

    Hope all goes well for you and if I can help you in any way just message me, as I know how it feels when waiting and also you have family asking about “How you got on at the doctors” and you have no new news.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That’s really reassuring Gary, thanks a million, trying to keep it all positive here, and really anything I’ve heard so far helps with that! I feel terrible for him he’s so sore after the op, but he will heal and back to rights eventually. I’m glad you’re ok and doing so well after yours

  • Hi Gilly,,

    So sorry you find yourself here. I don’t know much about what is normal re tumours. But I do know that this is a highly treatable and curable cancer at all stages. 
    My husband was diagnosed last December. He has two tumours ( can’t remember the size) and they were seminoma and non seminoma. He had chemo as it had spread to a spot on his lung and he is fit and well today and in remission. 
    The waiting for results was undoubtedly the hardest for me. He was very pragmatic and “ get on with it”. 
    Just live in today and keep busy in between appointments if you can. 
    Thinking about you both. 

  • Oh and stay off google if you can! This website a sound place for advice. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hey Gilly!

    Unfortunately, I can't comment on the number of tumours being any form of indicator for how serious it may be!

    However, I can say that size-wise, from my understanding I don't think that is incredibly unusual - I had 2 lumps, the bigger of which was 40mm!!

    The OP was sore, however I was up and moving the next day and was fully healed within 4 weeks as an indicator of time.

    Luckily, I was found to be stage 1, and I am now on active surveillance and holding out hope that the lil pain in the butt doesn't come back!

    If there is anything else I can try and help answer, give me a shout :)