Carbo question

  • 3 replies
  • 11 subscribers


I was supposed to have my 1x carbo on October 21 but I postponed it for a week because I was indecisive, i was 43 days from my surgery. A couple of other things happened and my carbo infusion got pushed back to Nov 12 which will be 65 days after my operation. Has anyone heard of someone doing carbo such a long time after the operation? My doctor said its Ok and I'll be just over 9 weeks after the surgery. I feel like I'm on surveillance already. My doctor said up to 3 months is ok, another doctor said up to 10 weeks, on the forums people say 6-8 weeks at the most and on some medical papers ive read the 60 days number used with anything over showing higher relapse rates. It's difficult to know what to think when there are so many different answers.

  • Hello

    Normally the carbo is given a few weeks after surgery etc as it is used to mop up any stray cancer cells that try to set up camp elsewhere in the body. TC is a very slow growing and weeks don't make much difference. I'm guessing the scan will be a precaution just to make sure that nothing has changed. The only thing I will say is I have been on this site for a good few years and those who take surveillance rather than carbo are at a much higher risk of the cancer coming back. The carbo was a no brainer for me and was easy I didn't even know I had had it. No hair loss no nausea nothing. I was 35 at the time and I am now 42. Everyone is different but i always advise to take the carbo. 


  • FormerMember

    I was later than the normal and going on 8-9 weeks. The consultant stated the earlier the better but up to three months is still effective. I was just happy to take anything that would reduce the risk of it returning and the side effects were very light for me. I don’t take a paracetamol if I can help it but when it comes to my cancel I’ll take anything they offer. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I was told the same thing by my doctor, 3 months. Another doctor I spoke with online said up to 10 weeks. Medical papers say that after 60 days the relapse rates are higher than before 60 days. Most commonly on the forums people say up to 6-8 weeks should be done. I will be at 9 weeks and 1 day. The earliest i could've had it done was at 6 weeks but I ended up wasting 3 weeks due to indecisiveness and some other things. But better late than never I guess.