How long do I have to wait

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers


I'm new here, first post, so sorry if this is in the wrong section. 

I've recently been diagnosed with Testicular cancer. Had an ultrasound on 13th of September which confirmed it, followed by a ct scan the next week or so that didn't pick up any spread.

Since then I've met four times with the hospital pre surgery team, anaesthetist and surgeon, regarding my orchidectomy but I still don't have a date. 

I rang my key worker last week and was told I'm on the waiting list and I've heard nothing since.

It'll be 2 months since my ultrasound soon and I'm getting worried about it spreading in the meantime. Am I being stupid and should I just wait?

They keep telling me it's really curable and citing lance armstrong, but he had a tin of treatment including brain surgery and i don't relish any of that.

I also read that untreated it's 100% fatal in 6 months to 2 years. So that hasn't helped my mood.

Any advice welcome. 

Sorry to whinge on. 

  • FormerMember

    hi there

    sorry to hear about your diagnosis,  my son had an ultrasound june 25th , we then got a phone call on the 30th asking us to go into hospital on 1st July which is the day we got told he had TC , he had his orchidectomy on the 5th july and a ct scan 5 days after surgery,  if I was was you I'd try and chase it up ,the waiting around is the hardest part , I hope this helps and I hope you hear something soon .

    take care 


  • I got in to see my doctor a few days after I found the lump. He had me get an ultrasound the same day.  He referred me to a urologist.  I think it took me about 1.5 weeks to get in to see him (on a Friday).  I had a CT scan that day also, which indicated it was probably in a lymph node also.  He scheduled me for an orchiectomy the next Monday.  So, about 2.5 weeks to get the surgery from when I found the lump.  It took about 2 weeks to get the results after the surgery. I thought that was a very long 2 weeks.

    I'm in the U.S., so it's probably different here.  But 2 months seems like more than enough time for them to get it scheduled.  I would definitely be pushing them.  Are there any alternatives?