Recently Diagnosed

  • 6 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Hi guys I’m new here recently diagnosed 2 days ago. I was told 4 days after my 21st birthday that it’s likely I have testicular cancer. I have a date for my surgery and I have my CT scan tomorrow. I am however not coping very well. I’m in my final year of uni and the stress of having to complete my dissertation was enough as it is! I am so scared to hear about the results of my scans. I have been coping reasonably well however I think it has just really hit me now what’s happening. Just thought I’d share my thoughts with you all. Hope to hear from anyone soon.


  • FormerMember

    hi stew

    so sorry that uve had to join this group,  but you will find this group will help you so much,  my son age26 was diagnosed on the 1st of July and had his lefty removed on the 5th , he had a ct scan 5days after surgery and was told he had a 6cm enlarged lymph node which in fact turned out to be 16mm,  a massive error from our local hospital,  we have since been referred to another hospital and after having another ct scan in August we were told on the 3rd September that there was no trace of spread so no chemo and just surveillance,  so there is hope , all I will say as a mum please talk to your loved ones about how your feeling , or talk, rant ect on here .

    take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you so much for your response.

    another thing that has been causing stress is my parents have been celebrating their 25th anniversary in New York and I have not told them yet because I don’t want to worry them. My surgery is the day after they arrive home and I know they will kill me for not telling them but I have had so much support from my siblings and close friends. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Stew

    Really very sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I thought I was young being diagnosed at 35 earlier this year, but 21. BUT you're really young, and no doubt fit & healthy, other than this, so you'll get through the surgery and bounce straight back! I thought it sounded a bit cliche, but a positive outlook does wonders! 

    I've got colorectal cancer that has decided to come back, very nice of it!, and I'm having surgery next week at Christie's. So although a different cancer, and I'm quite a bit older than you, I totally get it. 

    One day at a time & one foot in front of the other is my tip, as well as keeping positive! You're young & fit and WILL beat this! 

    If you ever need a chat, just let me know! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Mikey! Positive words from others really does help. 
    hope your surgery goes well let me know how you get on!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    oh no that's awful for you having to keep this from them but I'm sure they will understand why you have , so glad you have lots of support from your siblings and friends,  like I said you have all the support on here , I don't know what I'd of done without this group tbh. 

    shell x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, it's a lot to take in for someone so young. The initial CT scan can be a stressful day so please try to have someone with you for support. Whatever the scan results though, testicular cancer is very treatable. I had testicular cancer in my mid 20's and it was a massive shock and a tough time for a while but you will get through it.

    All the best for your scan.