Follow up CT(chest, abdomen and pelvic) scan next week

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hello everyone,

In May of this year I was diagnosed with testicular cancer, in my right testicle (50% seminona, 50% non-seminoma), I did an orchiectomy and went through 3 BEP cycles due to a enlarged lymph node close to my right kidney.  I'm now due for my first follow-up 3 months later, where I'll be tested for tumor markers and will do a chest abdomen and pelvic CT scan. I do regular check-ups to my other testicle to check if everything is normal, but without the other one as reference sometimes I feel lost, and worried if there is something abnormal about it. My question is if the pelvic CT scan includes the testicles so that I rest assured if something is wrong it will be caught there.

Appreciate all the help, 

Thank you, 


  • FormerMember


    I'm not sure if a pelvic CT scan includes testes. Doing an online search of pelvic CT scan images seems to indicate that it may well do.

    However, the chances of recurrence in the other testicle is very low (1 in 50) according to NHS website. At the moment and for the next few years you will be monitored very closely with scans, blood tests and examinations so if by some chance anything happens it will definitely be picked up.

    Testicular Cancer is very treatable and its very likely that the BEP has done its work so I'd try not to worry. I'd take how your testicle feels now as your reference for future self examination. But if you are really concerned you could also ask a doctor to examine you to put your mind at rest.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi tom,

    Welcome, I can tell you that the ct scan does not scan testes, and the odds of it occurring in the other testicle are the same as anyone else getting it, very rare.  I know as I was sent for a scan of my other one at same time as having a scan

      I was advised to check my other one once a month, as too often and we might not notice a difference.  Currently I’m on monthly surveillance and the consultant does it for me!

    Take care 

    1. dan