Tiredness post BEP/ EP

  • 6 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi all,

Just wanted to pick the brains of anyone who has come through BEP/ EP. My husband finished his treatment( 4 x EP)  at the end of April. In terms of side effects he still has neuropathy and still hasn’t recovered his energy levels to how he was pre cancer.

In terms of background, he is 45, slim and active although didn’t really do any exercise pre cancer. He seemed to be back to his old self by August then caught a cold in September then had a busy five days celebrating his brother’s birthday/ did some car racing at a track day/ saw his best mate for a night. Since then ( two weeks ago) he has taken ages to shake off his cold and feels tired and even napped for an hour yesterday in the day which he hasn’t done for months. 

I am thinking that give that his immune system took a battering, chemo is still in his system ( up to two years in understand??) and he just has to rest more than he used to. At least for a while anyway. 

Sometimes it feels like he takes two steps forward then one back. He is definitely improving but not as quick as he would like. Has anyone else experienced this? 

Ps He isn’t back at work yet but planning to return in December. 

  • Hello I just thought I would add my experience with 3 x BEP. I had side effects and still have some over  2 years later. I made the mistake of going back into life as fast as possible with my foot firmly on the accelerator. Which was a huge mistake. During chemo I would be bed ridden basically until week one was over and then into week 2 I would perk up slightly and start to go down stairs and watch Tv, move around the house to make a drink etc. Then I would be written off again on the night after my Bleomicyn injection on week two and 3. But generally week 2 and 3 I wasn’t as bad. Week one I was a write off. During the 3 cycles particularly in cycle 2 and 3 a experienced neuropathy in my hands and feet, in my face and neck. I had body aches, mouth ulcers, headaches, hot sweats, extreme fatigue, breathlessness. Sleep issues. I would sleep all day and then be wide awake all night. After treatment finished I felt fatigued for around another month. Then I started to feel ok. But feeling ok sitting on the sofa is one thing, feeling ok being out and about is another. So I tried to go out every day for a walk or to the shops etc, pick the kids up with my partner. Over time my energy levels came back. But some days I just didn’t feel good. It was very up and down. I rushed back to work too quickly and within the space of 1 year of returning I hit a wall and Had Burnout. I had pushed myself too hard, trying to be my old self. I am an Electrician so it’s a physical job. I gave into to pier pressure from my boss and other people and instead of listening to my body I battled on regardless. Looking back at this I was very reckless with my recovery and as a result I made myself quite ill again Emotionally. Sorry for rambling on but I want you to get a good picture of what to expect. Anyway nowadays I have to be careful and look after myself. I eat as healthy as possible, I make sure I sleep 8 hours per night, I listen to my body and when I need to rest, I do. If I don’t sleep enough I feel horrific.  I have tinnitus and slight hearing loss in my right ear, I have neuropathy pain in my left thigh, which is getting better these days, I have fatigue if I do too much. I get headaches regular, I get stressed easier. I think the Emotional side of our well-being is just as important as the physical side. Emotionally coming to terms with what has happened is a crucial part of recovery. This has been my hardest battle and after 2 years I’m finally getting over it emotionally. It is different for each of us. I think the best thing I can tell anyone is listen to your body. And do everything in your power to live as healthy as possible. And make the most of every day. Feeling ill one day with a cold is nothing to feeling ill from the chemo. This is what I try and tell myself. Nothing I go through in life will ever be as bad as the chemo was. It makes us realise what’s important. And it’s definitely not money. Another thing I Will  say is your husband should not be in any rush to feel normal again or get back to work. It takes as long as it takes. I hope all goes well.

    Tony Soprano

    Classical Seminoma, initially stage one.

    Oncologist initially  unclear if elevated lymph node is due to cancer. bumped up to stage two B after CT scan 3 months later. Further spread to 2 lymph nodes and increase in size.

    Undergone 3 cycles of BEP at Derby Teaching Hospital and had the all clear on 9/2/17

    Now on ten years of surveillance 

  • Thanks Tony. Appreciate your advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Spirited

    I'm younger 27, finished 3 BEP Cycles in August. I feel better of course, exercising helped me a lot, but energy levels take time to come back to normal. Sometimes I get very tired for no apparent reason, and I do sleep at unusual hours, which is fine. 100% recovery takes at least 6 months to a year, it can be more or less depending on the person, but at these times we have to be patient with ourselves, going 1 step at a time appreciating all the small victories (easier said than done, I know). Your husband will be fine, as I hope i'll be too. 

    Love to you and your family, 


  • Tom Silva Just wanted to say that I was similar to you and was powering through at work 6 months after BEP. But I hit a brick wall 6 months later and totally burned myself out. Take your time mate. Exercise by all means but I would urge you to do it with caution. I would hate for you to go the way I did. It is very much a case of listening to your body. If I could do it all again I would have had another 3 or 4 months off work before returning. 

    Kind regards

    Tony Soprano

    Classical Seminoma, initially stage one.

    Oncologist initially  unclear if elevated lymph node is due to cancer. bumped up to stage two B after CT scan 3 months later. Further spread to 2 lymph nodes and increase in size.

    Undergone 3 cycles of BEP at Derby Teaching Hospital and had the all clear on 9/2/17

    Now on ten years of surveillance 

  • Hi Tony,

    How are you?  You had tests due, hoping you are well 

    take care


  • Thanks so much Tome. I am so glad that you are recovering well. 
    He has been listening more to his body and resting when he needs and that has helped. 
    Take care and hope you continue to thrive.