Recent surgery, await results

  • 2 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Good evening all,

I just thought I would sign up and share my experiences to date as I'm sure like others in the past I am feeling a little lonely and overwhelmed about what is going on.

Three months ago I found a lump on my left testicle and after two ultrasounds which have both come back inconclusive and various blood tests showing no cancer markers it was decided on 22nd August to remove my testicle which was done on the 28th August to fully determine what is going on. I now await my results.

I cannot thank the NHS enough for the support and response they have given me so far.

I am doing ok after surgery, I just feel a little low because as yet I still do not know the full results. I will find my strength. 

Hopefully the results will not be too far away so I can then move forward to the next part of this journey. 

Thanks for reading. Mark 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mark

    I hope you get the results soon.

    I had testicular cancer at the end of November and had to lose my right one, got an emergency operation the next day and got one dose or day of chemo in January -  I’ve been fine since - go back for checks up every few months now.

    I know how you feel right now waiting on results and going back and forth to the hospital and getting test done and long waits and doctors not telling you anything and family and friends are asking “ How did you get on at the doctors”. And you have no news for them.

    Just need to try hang in there and I know the doctors do take time, weeks sometimes to come up with a plan for you, but don’t worry as they have ur back and got all the tools for it.
    I know I had a team of 12 people who where my medical team – Doctors, nurses and they all had to agree on my treatment, So that took a bit of time. NHS Scotland

    feel a little low – Yes it does get u down,  You’ll still be in shock a bit after all of it and it’s very hard to take it all in at first – Normal to be like this and it will past one day.

    I was a single 45 year old guy and was not sure if all would work down there after my op and not that I got many overs for leg over before the op lol.
    Yes all is working and still able to do man duties or perform

    Feel free to ask anything or send P.M – Don’t feel low and hopefully we can answer any question or just know we are all here for you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hey wanbaw, thanks for the kind message. I'm glad things are going well for you. Your message has lifted my spirits today. Just the tonic I needed ... Cheers :)