scared about treatment

  • 5 replies
  • 13 subscribers

just a quick update on my son, we went to see the TC consultant yesterday,  and have been told he has stage 2a non semionma so has spread to his lymph node in his abdomen,  he had bloods done last fri which have come back normal which I thought was good news but was told this can happen, so had more done yesterday along with a hearing test and lung function test, we are now waiting to have another CT scan before he starts 9 weeks of BEP , I have read all about the treatment and now so scared of him having it as there are so many horrible side effects,  how poorly does it make you ? any information would be great tia. 

  • You might want to post this in " Ask. nurse" as well or ring the helpline  0808 808 0000 but there are obviously ppl in this group who've got direct experience of BEP so hopefully they'll answer u soon.

    Meanwhile, how about joining the Family and friends group, to get support for yourself? As a  mum of a 20 something son myself, I feel for you. But I've no knowledge of testicular cancer myself( touchwood). Just happened to spot your post n thought I'd get u started. A community champion will b along to welcome you shortly n give you u some more pointers around the site. Best wishes.

    Btw, where did u read about the treatment ?

    Not Dr Google?! 

    Hopefully this site, CRUK or a specific site for testicular cancer.

    Is there a way you can somehow let  your son know he doesn't need to put  a brave face for you? It can be very hard facing cancer at the  best of times without having to pretend it's all  OK.

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Sorry Shelly, should've realise by the word " update" u didn't need welcoming to the site 

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hi Evie,

    when I got my 2a diagnosis I was quite pleased, obviously we all hope for a stage 1 diagnosis, but to find out I was stage 2a and it had not spread everywhere, brain, liver etc I was over joyed.

    The chemo is manageable.  It makes your hair fall out, taste buds are strange, and the fatigue is all consuming.  But, I felt almost normal the week before I was due the next round of treatment.

    Take all the meds, and try and stay ahead of the constipation, ask for meds before it’s needed.

    By my calculations it will all be done before the end of October, and your son will quickly start to get his strength and tastebuds back. My hair grew back a bit wavier than it was before!

    Its not a nice time, but it’s manageable, and it’s soon over. And it saves our lives!

    take care


  • Hi Shelley, 

    I know this is such a frightening time for you and your son but as Dan has said, it will be over in a few months and hopefully this will become a distant memory for both of you. 

    My husband was a 3(c) diagnosis as it spread to his lung. He had 4 x cycles of EP ( no bleomycin as there is a risk of lung damage if you are over 40). He found the first two cycles ok and the last two tougher but generally not too tough. And the purpose is worth the pain! 

    Re side effects, my husband lost his hair, was very fatiqued at certain weeks of his treatment and has tingly fingers and toes but no other side effects. Each person is different and if your son is young, that will help him a great deal. 

    If you are supporting him through this and taking care of him during treatment, make sure you have time out for you so you can be rested. 

    Praying for both of you, that you can just do today until the storm has passed! 

    Take care. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Spirited

    hi spirited 

    thank you for your reply 

    take care 
