Prosthetic Testicle Question

  • 1 reply
  • 12 subscribers


I was hoping to maybe get some feedback from someone who has had a prosthetic testicle insterted.

Last year I had my testicle removed due to a seminoma tumour.  They replaced it with a prosthetic one and all has been OK since.

I'm now about a year and a half into my monitoring for recurrence and so far everything seems OK. Except a few weeks ago having not really checked my prosthetic testicle, I felt a lump on it. As it was prosthetic, I hadn't really been checking and hadn't really handled it since the intial surgery where I was asked to pull it down daily and it felt very different then to what it does now.  Apparently the body puts a capsule around the testicle at first, I guess as a response to having something foreign put into your body.  I was told that this would dissipate over time and so now it feels a bit different.

Anyway I inadvertantly checked it a few weeks ago and found this lump on the prosthesis.  I spoke to my support nurse who wasn't sure what it could be, they said it could just be fluid but I've since had an ultrasound on it which also hasn't given us any conclusive answers as to what it is.  I think the ultrasound rays were absorbed by the prosthetic making it hard for them to really see.  I'm waiting to see a urologist in September but it occured to me that I should maybe ask other people who also have a prosthetic whether they have any kind of lump on theirs or whether it is truly smooth all the way round.

For what it's worth, this lump feels like it is purely on the prosthetic and not elsewere, it also isn't attached to anything so could just be the design of the prosethetic itself.  That's why I'm hoping someone may be able to explain that they also have something similar.

Thanks for reading

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm glad to hear that everything seems to be okay since you were first treated for testicular cancer but I'm sorry to hear that you are now worried about a lump you can feel.

    Although I'm afraid I know very little about your type of cancer I do recognise the feelings of worry that we all experience when we notice something wrong. 

    I noticed that your post hadn't had any responses and by replying to you it will bump your post back to the top of the page where hopefully it'll be seen by someone who can help.

    While your waiting for responses you could also post your question in the ask a nurse section of the community and one of the specialist cancer nurses will reply within 2 working days.


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