Waiting (the beginning of my journey)

  • 27 replies
  • 14 subscribers


I hope you don't mind me posting but I have just started out on what I believe is going to be the beginning of my TC journey.

I have been receiving intermittent pain in  my left testicle for about 10 months, accompanied by weakness in my left leg. My GP initially referred me for physiotherapy and only felt around my groin. Fast forward 9 months and I had a full blown anxiety attack which forced me back to the doctors. My GP this time was great, checked my testicle and whilst they said it felt fine referred me for a ultrasound to ease my anxiety.

That takes me to today, I had the ultrasound on Friday and the technician was not happy, explained to me that there were 4 shadows on the offending testicle the largest being a shade under 2cm. He said not to lose any sleep but to contact my GP for an urgent urologist appointment. He said it could be an infection but I got the impression that was to put my mind at ease.

When I spoke to my GP she said they need to rule out the possibility of a tumour and may need a biopsy. I'll be honest I'm expecting the worst given how quick the scans were sent to my gp and getting contacted (good news never seems to travel fast in the medical world).

I don't think the tc worries me, I mean the odds are in  my favour right? It's more how this will affect my family, I have two young daughters who deserve a great summer off school and I fear I'm not going to be able to give them it. I'm also worried that due to the length of time this has been going on I'm in for the long haul.

What has been strange is aside from my anxiety my symptions haven't changed over the past 10 months, pain hasn't worsened, no swelling etc.

Anyways, thanks for indulging me. If nothing else it helps me to get it off  my chest.

  • Hi Anxious CS, 

    This is the best place to get your worries off your chest as you will find here many of us who went trough TC and we had the exact same feelings as you have.. When they told me I have TC i was more worried about how will that affect my family. But let`s not run ahead in your case. 

    As there is clearly something going on with your testicle it is not sure it is testicular cancer. It can really be an infection or many other things a testicle can have. Unfortunately the waiting time starts. You really have to see a urologist. I don`t think the urologist will do biposy as if he suspects Testicular Cancer he will more likely send you for blood tests (which can show if testicular cancer tumour markers) and will send you to CT probably. 

    After that he will some information about what is going on and can tell you what he suspects it is.

    Keep us updated :) Anyways fingers crossed for you and unless it`s proven is TC i hope it is just an infection :) 



  • Hi anxious,

    of course it’s no problem you posting here, I’m just sorry you find yourself here, and welcome.

    As you probably already know, biopsy can not be done on a testicle without first removing it.  And, very rarely once the testicle has been removed does it turn out not to be cancer.  Very rare. 

    The good news is that, as you state the stats  are in our favour, 95% of us here 5 years after diagnosis.  

    TC is a relatively slow growing cancer, and as such your symptoms may not have developed much over 10 months.  Of course the earlier it is caught the better, but as the treatments are so effective that even an extremely late diagnosis has pretty good survival rates when compared to other cancers.  John Hartsons TC had spread to his brain, and he is still on TV!  

    But let’s not jump the gun, you have not had an official diagnosis yet.   Once you have a diagnosis you will be given a staging and a treatment plan.

    Read others experiences on this forum, it should give you comfort to see so many success stories.

    take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Odbball

    Thanks for your replies.

    - quick update -

    The cogs seem to be moving fast as I've just received a phone call from the hospital booking me in for another ultrasound (?) Followed up with an appointment with a urologist.

    When  I questioned if I could be seen at my local hospital I was told they had to book me in to this one as it was an urgent appointment and this was the only one that dealt with these cases on an urgent basis.

    I know the NHS comes in for a bit of a bashing with waiting times etc but I'm amazed at the pace in which these appointments are coming through.

  • Hi,

    Glad things are moving along swiftly.  My experience of the NHS is that when things are important it moves at the necessary speed.  When i opted to go private, nothing happened any quicker than it would have in the NHS, I just found the communication better.  And lunch was nicer!

    You’re in good hands 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Odbball

    Live update from the hospital. 

    Urologist is almost certain that it's cancer, just not sure what type!

    As the ultrasound shows 2 tumours he feels it could be lymphoma. Its knocked me for six as I was fully geared up for testicular cancer. 

    I'm currently awaiting a ct scan which they have booked me an urgent appointment for and expecting the testicle to be removed in a few days.... Pending the ct scan results. 

    I will beat whatever this is, just may take a little longer than I expected. 

  • hi anxious.

    Im not a doctor, but I am a betting man, and I’ve conducted a lot of internet research into testicular cancer, I had a self interest!   It is very very rare that another form of cancer spreads to a testicle as a secondary site, it’s usually TC.  I’d be willing to wager it’s testicular cancer. I’m aware that’s worth nothing mind.

    Your strong mental attitude, and positivity will serve you well.

    take care


  • For what it’s worth, my husband had two tumours ( tiny seminoma tumour and larger non- seminoma tumour) and it was still testicular cancer. Our urologist explained that this was not uncommon. 

    Good luck. One day at a time! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Spirited

    Thank you both for your replies, they have given me some hope.

    I think I was so taken aback as I'd geared myself up for worse case tc and that whilst it would be grueling I would get through this. Being told it could be another cancer somewhat threw me. All of this has been coinciding with left leg weakness and slight ache which my gp said was just a coincidence but now I cant help but to think it is a symptom of lymphoma.

    I'm really hoping for tc (some thing I never thought I'd say Joy) but I guess it's just a waiting game now.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Another update (indulge me).

    Just had a phone call from my consultant who said that my CT scan came back clear as did the blood tumour markers. He now thinks its more than likely a Seminoma (how he can tell at this stage is I don't know, possibly due to the markers??). 

    I don't want to get too carried away but I've never been happier to be told that  i'll be i'm more than likely going to be losing a testicle on Monday.

    These last 6 days have felt like 6 months, with highs and lows I didn't think possible over such a short period of time. The one piece of advice that I could give anyone who is reading this that hasn't been diagnosed or told anyone is talk, if you don't have anyone close reach out to support networks . The second I opened up to my wife it was like a weight had lifted (cliched I know), the more close friends and family I spoke to and gave the heads up to what was possibly going on with me the better I felt, I also spoke to mind about trying to control the anxiety.  

    Anyways onward and upwards, hopefully this time next week i'll be one 'stone' lighter and preparing for the next course of action. I've already let my ever suffering wife know that if I end up losing hair through chemo that i'm having a mini mohawk when it starts to grow back.... I mean when else am I going to get that opportunity!

  • Hello

    Yes it's the tumour markers that tell them what kind it is or could be. If there is no spread and it is confined you will more than likely be offered surveillance or one shot of carboplatin which I'm afraid to say or happy to say that you dont lose any hair. Seminoma reacts very well to chemo and it sounds like you will be stage 1 so you fall into the category of 101% of survival and living a normal life. 

    Have a good one and all the best.