
  • 14 replies
  • 12 subscribers

My husband found a large lump weekend before last and testicle is hard and swollen. He saw GP on the Monday,  urologist following Monday and ultrasound yesterday at 3.20. Urologist seemed to think it was suspicious talked about possible op by the end of week discussed prosthesis etc. He sent him for ultrasound which he had yesterday the lady got a second person in to look and they said there was something not right and there was inflammation of the tube surrounding the testicle the lump is at the bottom? We are now waiting to hear. Obviously not going to have any treatment this week now but we are meant to be going away next week. I am thinking we should probably cancel anyway if we don't hear anything today. I am beside myself with worry and we havent told anyone until we know at my husbands request. Would appreciate any thoughts or advice??

  • FormerMember

    hi sorry to hear about your husband, my son was diagnosed in the 1st July after having an ultrasound the week before,  he had his testicle removed on the 5th July,  had CT scan on wed and 2nd lot of bloods today, if we had , had a holiday booked he definitely couldn't have gone as hes still struggling to get around a week later ,but it's his first ever operation so has wiped him out , the worst part for us at the moment is the waiting around for results, hopefully he will let people know then he will get all the support he needs,  joining this group has been a help, wishing you all the best 

    take care 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Shell 

    Thanks for the reply. Defo gives me a bit more of an indication about timescales. If he does end up having the ok then I think going away is going to be a no no. It's all the not knowing. It's not even been two weeks yet but seemed like forever. Think it's made worst by the fact I can't talk to anyone other than him about it. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    my son doesn't know I've joined this group as he wont speak to me about it, I feel so lonely at times and feel like my heads going to explode with all the worry , being on here and being able to speak with people in the same situation does help,  so if you ever want to rant or get things off your chest , were all here to help you on this horrible journey.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    my son doesn't know I've joined this group as he wont speak to me about it, I feel so lonely at times and feel like my heads going to explode with all the worry , being on here and being able to speak with people in the same situation does help,  so if you ever want to rant or get things off your chest , were all here to help you on this horrible journey.x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you very much appreciated think it's going to be another long weekend for us waiting for news. I'm sorry that your son wont talk to you about it maybe he needs to sort it out in his own head first and then he will. 

  • Hi Bytheseaside,

    Sorry you find yourself here, welcome.

    The likelihood is that in a few years time you will look back, and you and your husband will agree that in hindsight you could have gone on holiday.  It’s impact on the outcome will be minimal, delaying the opp a few days.  The issue for most, having just received the diagnosis, will be the mental side of it, do you feel brave enough to push it back and then manage to enjoy your holiday.  Not sure I would have.  But looking back, knowing what I know now, maybe...

    fFor what it’s worth, I think me and my wife would have cancelled the holiday. 

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Odbball

    Thanks Dan 

    I think we have decided not to go away. The problem is the not knowing and it's so close now. No one has actually said since the ultrasound that he will be having the op although all the signs seem to point that way, would you agree?

    I am hoping we will hear something by Monday as the urologist seemed to think ok as soon as possible. I have put things into place to start cancelling.

    Have you any experience of the inflammation of the tube surrounding the testicle?

    Still keep hoping all will be ok but thinking maybe need to be realistic. 


  • Hi,

    As a general rule, following the ultra sound if it is “bad news” you will generally be notified very quickly through your GP’s.  My GP rang me the same day as the ultrasound, but the doctor undertaking the ultrasound had all but confirmed  it was TC, it is very obvious on the ultrasound. 

    If you are put forward to have the testicle removed it is rare it is not cancer. 

    The debate over your ultrasound, not having heard from the GP points towards not TC.  Swelling on tubes is not TC.  The ultrasound shows a peanut like shape, solid, in the testicle, a tumour if it is TC, no second opinion is required.

    The worst part of TC, luckily, is often the waiting for results, and you are starting to face in to that. 

    Come back, let us know your results, you will add to the knowledge base, and help other people’s experience.  

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Odbball

    Thank you Dan

    I will certainly keep in touch. The ultrasound lady said that husband would need to see urologist again but didn't specify one way or the other the ultrasound was Thursday evening. I wasn't there so am relying on what husband has said. I think the tubes thing was a side note as there is an obvious lump in a location not near any tubes from what I can tell.

    It's all been a bit topsy turvy as he saw urologist before ultrasound and urologist said husband would hear from him once he had results of ultrasound if op needed to go ahead. Think we will just have to wait to see what Monday brings. 

    Thanks for your advice

  • Hi,

    As a general rule, following the ultra sound if it is “bad news” you will generally be notified very quickly through your GP’s.  My GP rang me the same day as the ultrasound, but the doctor undertaking the ultrasound had all but confirmed  it was TC, it is very obvious on the ultrasound. 

    If you are put forward to have the testicle removed it is rare it is not cancer. 

    The debate over your ultrasound, not having heard from the GP points towards not TC.  Swelling on tubes is not TC.  The ultrasound shows a peanut like shape, solid, in the testicle, a tumour if it is TC, no second opinion is required.

    The worst part of TC, luckily, is often the waiting for results, and you are starting to face in to that. 

    Come back, let us know your results, you will add to the knowledge base, and help other people’s experience.  

    Take care
