my experience over the last 12 months

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so June 2018 i was diagnosed with testicular cancer , July 2018 my testicle was removed however my CT Scan  afterwards shown there was a lymph node in my abdomen that had enlarged to 3.5cm so I had to then start chemotherapy for 4 months , this was BEP 3 days a week on a 21 day cycle. 

Once starting the chemo i instantly started to loose my hair & I have to say it was probably the worst 4 months of my life until recently.

After the chemo finished in November 2018 I had to wait a further 3 months for my CT scan , so the scan was done in March 2019 & the lymph node had not reduced enough albeit it had shrunk to 1.5cm but this was still enlarged as the norm is 1cm or smaller.

I then discovered i needed surgery which was life threatening surgery this is called RPLND , this was done in May 2019 by the proff Kockleberg at Leicester General as this surgery is rare this was the only hospital that done this in the area , I live in coventry & normally go to UHCW.

The surgery lasted for 8 hours , the first couple of days were very tough with my sats being very low , i was really struggling but day by day i was getting better and overall my stay at Leicester was 7 days.

The good news is Mr Kockleberg has removed the cancer , i was however shocked to find out that from March it was only 1.5cm and then on May 29th it had grown to 7cm.

I visited my consultant last week at UHCW he is also amazing Dr Khan , he has now put me on a intense surveillance which is blood tests every month , chest xrays every 2 months & 6 monthly CT Scans & regular visits to see him.

I am still healing from the surgery which is not going great but will take time but I am now in REMISSION after an awful 12 months for my family & myself.  

I could not have got through this without my amazing partner Emma , she has been with me all the way , she is a nurse and just asked question after question when I did not have a clue or understand , she sat in that chair next to me for 4 months there were days I could not even talk or choose not to, she then drove to Leicester every day for hours on end , normally she would not drive out of our town.   

Just thought I would share this with you all hope you do not mind.  


  • Hi fathead,

    Congratulations on the good news.  I already knew  that I had married an amazing woman, and the last two years have only served to prove that.   The loved ones who help us through ......well, they do an incredible job.  

    You certainly have seen the tougher side of TC treatment, a rougher journey than most to that 95% survival rate.  

    I wish you a strong recovery from the operation.  Well done and congrats again.

    take care 
