so scared

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

well I've had the worst week of my life,  my 26 year old son was diagnosed with TC on Monday and had his right testicle removed on Friday,  he is very sore and his tummy is swollen hope this is normal,  he is having a CT scan on wed evening and more blood tests on fri to see if has spread,  I'm trying to be so strong but finding it very hard as I cant stop crying, he is very quiet and hasn't read any of the booklets that he was given , is there any advice anyone can give me to help him through this nightmare.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shelly, 

    I am sorry to hear your son is also diagnosed with TC. My son was diagnosed on 25th May 2018. He has been treated with chemotherapy and RPLND, now he is four months in remission.

    I think you already read a lot from this forum, and I guess you know this disease is with 95% curable rate.  It is not so bad like other cancers  . I fully understand what you are experiencing. My son is going to be 25 next month. Compare with last year, everything is  going a little bit easier because of these statistics number.. I can't say too much, but stay strong.

    Here you will see lot of patients really be cured.

    Think of you and your son.

    Take care

    Amy, Ran’s Mom 

  • Hi Shelley,

    Sorry you find yourself on this forum, but welcome.

    You and your son have bit of a journey ahead of you, but at end of that journey 95% of us are well 5 years after diagnosis.  With such high survival statistics many might think having and getting TC treated is a walk in the park, and perhaps when compared against other cancers it is, however we still have all the waiting,has it/hasn’t it spread, Will I require chemo/further surgery, will I be in the 5%?    Until everyone’s journey reaches its destination the outcome is an unknown, and this is where it becomes a mental battle, how we deal with the waiting for results, when we get the results did we ask all the questions we wanted answering, were we able to listen to the answers.

    There is a massive, huge, so big you won’t believe it chance that your son will be cured of TC.  And in a years time you and your family will be back to normal, except you will all have more of an appreciation of each other, the result of pulling together to help each other through this tough time.

    use this forum, it continues to help me.

    take care
