BEPX3 side effects

  • 4 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Hi everyone, i havent posted here in a long while. My husband is going through chemo and his almost done with round 3. 2 more bleos and officially finished.  He has alot of side effects. Dizzy spells, light headed, burping,very fatigued. Is all this normal? He was diagnosed last year with pure seminoma stage 1A and was under surveillance for one year then had a reoccurrence on a lymph node and now he’s stage 2b. But hardly anyone in the groups im in mentions dizziness. Light head and burping. Just wondering if any of you felt the same. 

  • Hi Violet, 

    Just checked with my husband who is now 8 weeks post last chemo ( 4 x EP). 

    He reminded me that our pharmacist friend explained to us that Chemo kills off fast growing cells, eg, hair and nails but also cells in your throat. This is why someone can get mouth ulcers or burping so all normal. My husband got the burping and very heavy fatigue. The 3rd and 4th cycle were the worst. 

    He said he didn’t get dizzy but I remember him feeling “ heady”, 

    hope this helps. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Spirited

    Thank you and hopefully those side effects go away soon.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi violet,

    That all sounds pretty normal.  Good thing is after treatment ends we recover pretty quick, within a few weeks I was feeling pretty normal, taste buds returning, appetite strong, more energ.  Plus the relief of not facing another cycle, it’s done!

    take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you and im glad it’s normal, I was getting worried. Im glad  you are doing well Odbball!!!