Testicular cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hello everybody my names Shane 30 years old I’am new to the group to cut a long story short i was diagnosed with suspected TC on the 22nd May. Tumour markers negative.  24th May had my orchidectomy. 4th June urologist rang to give me pathology results which were PT1 multifocal seminoma and as far as i know no sign of it in any exit points! I have my 2 week urologist follow up tomorrow so will get more details. My CT scan on Friday(14th) and thats the part I’am scared about i know it’s natural but im terrified it may have spread! Any advice would or experiences would me so appreciate been reading all the previous threads for weeks and they have helped loads! And thought it was time I joined myself! 

Thanks everyone 


  • Hi Shane,

    sorry you find yourself here, but welcome.

    The toughest part as you have probably already found out is ......the waiting...wait on appointment, esitbon scan, ....wait on results.

    All of the waiting and appointments, operations and treatment are all merely the process, at the end of which 95% of us are all still alive.  And, by winning your first 50/50 chance, pure seminoma, your odds have already improved.

    Stay on the forum 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Odbball

    Hi Dan

    Thanks for your reply. Yes i was definitely a little relieved when pathology showed Seminoma as it strangely seems “the one to get”!  And yes your right the waiting isn’t nice! Will certainly be sticking around found so much help on these forums before i joined! 

    Thanks again


  • FormerMember

    Hi Shane and welcome.

    My husband also had pure seminoma and the oncologist said it was a great future outcome etc.

    He has a ten year surveillance plan now.

    Best wishes x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WorriedMam_32

    Yes certainly seems the aggressive type. Surveillance is my best possible outcome. Fingers crossed my CT is ok Friday. 

    Thank you


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello everyone 

    Just got back from urologist appointment. Confirmed multifocal Seminoma with clear margins maximum size including multifocalitys 22mm. Just CT scan to do! 

