Not removing testicle?

  • 4 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hello. It’s taken my boyfriend 2 weeks to finally tell me he has testicular cancer, as he hates any fuss and wanted to keep it to himself. He says it’s stage 1. He says he is having radiotherapy 4x per week for 3 weeks. He also says they aren’t removing his testicle at this stage. I’m confused because everything I’ve read says they are removed. I’m concerned because he is one for playing things down so I don’t know what’s the actual truth. I didn’t know if anyone else knew if this was normal for stage 1. TIA 

  • Hi,

    The only way to know conclusively if you have TC is to remove the testicle and have it tested.  Biopsy’s can not be done on a testicle it has to be removed to test it and find out what type of tumour it is, as that decides the required treatment.

    i have never heard of anyone having TC and the testicle not being removed.  Also, radiotherapy is uncommon as the treatment, it’s usually chemo, or further surgery.  Radiotherapy uncommon but not unheard of.

    Might be worth asking what type of tumour?


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Odbball

    Thanks for your response. I think from information gathered from NHS and Macmillan nurse (so helpful) that it’s probably what I thought and that is that it’s not stage 1 but probably 3. I just wish he’d be honest with me. If I had the facts I’d be able to support him more. I still don’t really understand why they aren’t removing it first though. Thanks again. 

  • FormerMember


    Radiotherapy is used much less than it used to be but is still used in some cases.

    And from NHS website:

    For stage 1 seminomas, after the testicle has been removed, a single dose of chemotherapy may be given to help prevent the cancer returning. A short course of radiotherapy is also sometimes recommended.

    Some people with stage 2 seminomas may be suitable for less intense treatment with radiotherapy, sometimes with the addition of a simpler form of chemotherapy.

    If he is having radiotherapy then it would suggest he has a seminoma (there are a few different types of TC) and these generally respond very well to treatment.

    I had a seminoma 15+ years ago which was stage 2a (small spread to the lymph nodes (small glands that help fight infection) at the back of the abdomen). This was treated successfully with removal of the testicle and then radiotherapy to the abdomen. I don't think radiotherapy is used for anything more than stage 2.

    I think it is possible (but very rare) that the testicle is not removed, but I guess its possible your boyfriend is keeping this to himself as he does not want to worry you. 

    It is difficult to deal with when it happens and a worrying time, but outcomes for TC are generally very good compared to other cancers.

    Hope this helps. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for your help. Yes, I think he’s doing it to protect me but the not knowing is difficult!