
  • 1 reply
  • 13 subscribers

Hi all,

Just an update on my husband. We had the results of the post chemo ( 4 x Ep) scan and Drs delighted. The single cancerous nodule has shrank from 10mm - 5 mm. Surveillance now. Chest x Ray every 4 months plus bloods every 2. Scan in 3 months time which isn’t standard but due to the lung nodule growing via the blood, we were keen for extra peace of mind. 

Relieved for now. Keep busy keep praying! 

  • Great news spirited.  The best it could be at this point.  Cause for celebration, and allow your mind at least one night off from all the stress this has brought your family!

    i’ll raise a glass to another brother on his way to being in the 95%

    take care
