Blood Results

  • 4 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Help in numbers

Had pre OP bloods returned today

AFP - 1.4 told it was in range

BHCG - 6 told it was high

No others taken I dont think

Any guidance in how high high is does this stage the TC or indicate seminoma or non seminoma

  • FormerMember

    I did a quick Google for you -

    “Beta-HCG is also used as a marker postoperatively to monitor residual tumor and the effectiveness of therapy. In patients with testicular cancer who have had an orchiectomy, the presence of beta-HCG will confirm the patient has residual cancer that requires further treatment. However, when beta-HCG does not exist in the serum, the presence of active cancer cannot be excluded, especially in patients who have been previously treated. Normal range: 0 ng/ml.”

  • Brothers those numbers are more normal than normal.

    Are you pure seminoma, afp irrelevant, bchh effected by lifestyle, whereas afp isn’t. 

    Its good news until the next time buddy

    take care 


  • ** BCHG effected by lifetyle 

  • Thanks Odbball,

    The bloods were pre OP ( OP scheduled for 05/06) so I dont know the type yet seminoma or non seminoma. The staff at the Hospital said BHCG range is 0 - 3 and I was 6. Have seen some bloods on other forums that are in the 100,000s so I will take small wins when they are offered

    Read through some of your other posts, sounds like you have had a bit of a tough time. Hope your sorted shortly.