Phantom ball

  • 2 replies
  • 10 subscribers

Without the risk of being crude its been a week since my right testicular was removed and I keep having what I can only describe as phantom ball pain. It’s like my missing ball is still there and aching. Has anyone else experienced this? Will it stop?

  • FormerMember

    don't worry about being crude fella , we are all in the same boat, and were just ordinary blokes, not maiden Aunts lol.

    im 12 days post removal and i can still feel my removed nut, not all the time, but every now and again i get an ache that's exactly the same as if i had one and it was still there, im no nerve specialist, but i expect that a lot of the nerves that are there are still sending signals back to the brain, and the brain falsely interprets these.

    i have a friend who lost the lower part of his right leg, even 10 year later he sometimes gets an overwhelming urge to scratch toes that aren't there.

    the brains a funny thing.

    i expect like most things, in time these sensations will reduce as your brain gets used to filtering out unimportant information.

  • 3 years in for me - still get that too , though not as often- sometimes it feels like an ache or perhaps even less than that - more a sensation that its there and "not happy" -but it soon goes.

    Apr 2016 - betaHCG raised --> Orchidectomy- Left Testicle removed - Stage 1 100% Seminoma Surveillance only.

    Surveillance : Year 2017 - CLEAR ./ Year 2018 - CLEAR / Year 2019 - CLEAR / Year 2020 -