Kept in the dark re sons TC and treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

My son(19) has been for 4 chemo sessions with a friend (he wont let me or his dad go with him)

We get no information, he doesnt want a fuss and doesnt talk sbout it..

I need information please...

Is it normal to leave a chemo session without next appointment?

He hasnt been for nearly 2 weeks.

Is it the norm for it to be given  through  cannula ?

  • Hi Theresa, 

    I’m so sorry your son is going through this and sorry that you aren’t able to support him in the way you would like. 

    My husband has just recently finished 4 cycles of chemo which was administered via a canula which was taken out at the end of each cycle. His particular treatment was 5 days of chemo then 2 weeks off but there are many different treatment cycles so your son’s will be individual to him. 

    Great your son has a friend to go with him and I am sure the oncology team are taking good care of him. In the meantime, make sure you take care of you. Try not to google this too much and remember that this is a very treatable and curable cancer. 

    Take care and here to help if at all possible! 

  • Hi, TheresaB! Sorry to hear about your son at... Is there no way to come closer to him? You can ask the oncologyst may be about how it is going. When your son goes for a chemo cycle, he is supposed to be in hospital as inpatient, for 3 or 5 days. Because the treatment goes like 3 or 5 days in hospital (having drips everyday during the stay) in first week, then second and third week goes for a single injection or drip (usualy second day of the week) and thats one cycle. (One cycle is 3 weeks). And then goes back to hospital, thats until finishing treatment. You have probably read about it somewhere. 3 cycles of BEP is the usual treatment. But sometimes it could be 5, depending on situation and how the cancer is acting.

    Hope your son is doing well, and hope you can talk to each other about this soon. Just try not to push it, but telling him you love him and want to be with him. Praying for you.

    God bless!
