Shocked been told I have TC

  • 8 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi all,

I’m 41 and found a hard lump on my right testicle about 2 weeks ago. I wasn’t overly concerned as I have been told I had cysts before.

On the 1st May I went for an ultrasound thinking it would be no biggy, once the radiologist had finish he turned to me and said “You have problem. Are you with anyone?”. I had gone on my own as I thought it was a nothing examination. The Radiologist said I had two tumours and it was cancer. I was in shock. He said if I had to choose a cancer TC would be the one to have. Excuse me if I didnt jump for for joy at this “luck”. He tried to book me in for CT scan on the same day, but no joy.  So off I went home having just been told in a hospital corridor (no office available) that I had TC and my right testicle has got to be removed and I need a CT scan to see if it had spread.  Woh!

I now have an appointment for Urologist on the 14th and CT on 19th. Good news is my liver and kidney function blood test can back fine.

I’m proper scared that Im going to die as I have pains in my lower abdomen and chest pain.  Probably just nerves and a cold, but I suffer from Pure OCD and this doesn’t help with mental state.

My family are offering to pay for private, but I think the NHS is amazing as the speed of appointments has been great, but I do feel left to my own devices.  Thank goodness fur resources like MacMillan.

  • Hi Venkman,

    Really sorry you find yourself here but it is a good community of support. 

    Remember that TC at any stage is curable. An oncologist told me that it is one of the few cancers where oncologists can say “ we cure cancer” as opposed to just treat it. 

    My husband went private for his op and CT scan but only for reasons of speed as it was before Christmas. However it sounds like you are in good hands with the NHS as those appointment dates are super speedy. After,  we transferred into the NHS system and the beauty of that is that you have a wealth of experts all working together in terms of a treatment plan. 

    So many people on here have had other symptoms of stomach/ back pain etc while waiting for news and it is always just stress/ nerves so as best you can try not to worry too much. You have done all you can now to get this sorted. As best you can, try to just focus on today. Tomorrow has worries if it’s own. 

    Any qs/ fears just pop them on here. There are lots of TC guys/ partners of TC guys on here and will help if can! 

  • Hi, Venkman! Sorry for your bad news! Firstly I want to tell you well done for going to doctors and having this checked out asap. I want to reassure you that you are on the right path. I was 30 when diagnosed with TC. NowvI am 34, turning 35 in a few months, and thanks God I am alive and I am cancer free. I have had a hard lump for a very long time and it was painful. I went to see a doctor quite a while after that. You did this as soon as you found out and this is good. Also you have been told the true, if you are to get a cancer, then testicular cancer is the one to get as this is very treatable and responsive to treatments. You will have a CT scan done, along with blood tests to check for tumor markers AFP, HCG and LDH. This will help for staging after your biopsy results(when testis has been removed) along with CT scan and tumor markers results. Then Doctors will decide what treatment you will get further, a single does of Chemo just for prevention of developing unseen on scan cancer cells, a 3 course chemotherapy if it has spread or surveillance if it has not. You will be checked every 1-3 months in first year. So you are in good hands. But you will get through it. Most of us in here have gone through some treatment. Some haven't had any other than the surgery alone. I wish you the most good results, and once had this sorted, getting back to normal soon. Best of luck! If you want to ask anything feel free to ask, I am sure there are others that can support you on here.


  • Hi venkman,

    Sorry you find yourself here.

    i have many times reflected on the comment from my Gp that I “was lucky, I had the best cancer”.  Initially I sure didn’t feel lucky, I had cancer where can the luck be in that?  We aren’t that unlucky to get cancer, as the adverts tell us,1 in 2 will get in, where we are lucky is that treatment of TC has developed to such a point that 98% of men diagnosed will be alive 5 years later.  98%!

    The journey to be part of that 98% varies for all of us, we are all at heat 1 testicle down, some require chemo, some radiation, some further operations, but 98 out of 100 of us make it.  If you are young, and fit (your kidney and liver functions show you are) then you will be here in 5 years time.

    use this forum, it helped and still helps me.

    i had private healthcare, my advice is use it if you have it, it won’t effect the outcome, but you will be in nicer surroundings.  Who doesn’t prefer getting a taxi rather than the bus??!!

    take care, keep us informed so we can help interpret all the news you receive along your journey.  It will be ok.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Venkman

    So sorry to find you here. My 35yr old husband also found out day of ultrasound and had to wait until his urologist app for more info. This forum is really amazing and hopefully some of your questions will be answered by reading through some of the old posts.

    We had a very good experience with the NHS and it was fairly quick also. My husband actually returns to work tomorrow after the whole thing started.

    Best wishes 

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for you support and insight comments, they have been really helpful for me.

    I saw the consultant today with my wife this time (14th May) and he said my right testicle needs to be removed ASAP, hopefully next week.  I have my CT on Sunday so next week should be all systems go.

    Consultant said that based upon my bloods, CT scan and the pathology report will determine the next step.  Bloody frighten, but Im positive as I have a plan to work to now.

    Only major decision to make now is if want a prosthetic testicle or not?  My gut says don't bother as consultant said could lead to problems with potential cancer treatment.  What are are peoples experience and opinion on this?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I am glad you have a plan and it’s sounds as though it is moving quickly.

    My husband opted for the prosthetic and has had no problems. I know there are risks but he has been ok.

    good luck  

  • I did not want to have the prosthesis, as I did not want to have any complications, I just was not sure. And I do not regret it to be honest. Having it or not, the most important is to carry on with your life cancer free.

    Good luck and God bless!


  • Hi,

    i didn’t have the prosthetic, mainly because I’d read on here that no one had ever regretted not having one, but a few posters had regretted having one due to complications.

    as a 45 y/o happily married man, who’s about 1.5 stones over weight, missing a testicle is the least offensive thing about my body right now!

    goid luck
