My lovely husband has it.

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  • 13 subscribers

Husband had a tumour confirmed on 5th March. Surgery 13th March. He's just starting 2nd cycle of bep today and in hospital hotel for 5 days. I know everything is individual but most of the guys say the 2nd is the this true? What are we likely to expect. We have 3 kids. Struggling to keep the 4 year old and baby from coughing and snotting on him. Hand gel everywhere! Has anyone changed diet to all natural? 

Good luck everyone and thank you!

  • Hi Nelly,

    Sorry to have you welcome you here but know that support is there for you. 

    My hubbie recently had 4 x cycles of EP ( due to being over 40). The third was the worst for him in terms of fatigue. We also have three kids but I found keeping them quiet when he was recovering the most challenging! 

    We didn’t change our diet. It was fairly healthy anyway but weirdly my husband started to crave bad things like lucozade and snickers bars so his diet during chemo was very unhealthy! They say to eat whatever you can to keep the weight on and get healthy after! I did make him some immune boosting smoothies but had to drink them myself as he couldn’t stomach them! 

    I would encourage your husband to try and manage a short walk every day if he can manage as this helped mine. Also accept all offers of help/ meals/ babysitting so that you can get through this as the pressure is on you to keep life on track while he gets through this.

    Good luck and stay strong! Do one day at a time. It is the only way! 

  • Awww thanks this is helpful. We're having 4 cycles too. He's just turned 37. It had spread to his lungs and lymph nodes. His back and stomach was so bad with pain until treatment started. The treatment seems to have shrunk the lymph node cancer as the pain has gone. He still can't eat huge portions and is managing little and often. Our 4 year old really doesn't like it when daddy sleeps and the baby is waking in the night so it's tough. The teen is struggling with mood swings and hormones but seems okay. Not very helpful sadly lol. I refused food help mostly as its tricky with what he can and can't have, what he wants and ocd again but i worry about others food hygiene or different bacteria he's not been around. So silly I know. He's been exposed to our everything and I don't want to risk anything. I have asked for help entertaining the kids so I can clean and I go crazy with a thorough clean when he's away with his block week chemo. It's hard but it's short term. I found shaving his hair completely off so sad. He really looks ill now. 

    It's heartbreaking to see the poorly kids in hosp. Life's so cruel sometimes.

    Touching your husband okay now? Were your kids okay, you too of course?! Xx

  • Ps my husbands got a sweet tooth too. We're healthy too but we do eat some processed foods. It's hard not to! 

  • Gosh, tough going for your poor husband with the pain. So glad the treatment is working to ease that. Seeing them go through this is tough but as you say, it is short term. 

    My husband just finished his treatment Easter weekend so scan and results in the next 4 weeks. 

    The kids have coped very well in the main although the eldest(9) had a few tears at the start. Their friends parents have been very good at offering lifts to parties/ taking them for play dates so that has made their lives brighter. 

    I’m doing well not because I’m particularly strong but because I have a very strong faith so that has given me joy and strength most days. “ Keep busy, keep praying”’is my motto and I try to live in today. I hope that doesn’t sound preachy and know that not everyone shares that ( including my husband) but it’s just what has carried me through this journey thus far. 

    If it is of any use at all, I would be happy to pray for you and your family as I know how it’s helped me but equally will completely respect your wish for me not to do that if you would prefer.  

    On a practical note, I’m glad you getting help with the kids and hope you get to rest a little too. Us mums just keep going but we need to refuel so we can do what we do!

    Look after yourself. Keep busy but do rest also!