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Hi, I am almost 2 years since stage 1 SEminoma. I’ve just been told I have to have a ct scan as a white spot has been spotted on my lung X Rays. 2 weeks until my appointment though and naturally very nervous, especially looking at the information surrounding secondary. Lung cancer. My oncologist has said he will be surprised if this is anything of concern as no tumour markers found in my blood. I don’t think I had any markers first time around either though. Any thoughts, experiences of perspective anyone has would be appreciated? Many thanks

  • Hi there,

    I'm a year ahead of you - with the same seminoma (stage 1 - just an operation) - i had a year of xrays and ct scans, and on the 2nd xray had a "lesion" on the right lung that had not been noticed before (i'm assuming this of course, as i swapped oncologists twice with moving around) and i was worried about this too until i spoke to the oncologist who said they would monitor it on the next xray, as with my medical history and life long non smoker they were not too concerned - in fact i am unsure if i wasnt given an extra x-ray as well as ct scan on the next 6 month visit. suffice it to say it wasnt anything and they were not worried about it - they said with lungs it can be a lot of things thats of no consequence - another couple of years now down the line and a number of more x rays and its never been mentioned again...

    its always worrying this stage of waiting, hope its all good news for you!

    Apr 2016 - betaHCG raised --> Orchidectomy- Left Testicle removed - Stage 1 100% Seminoma Surveillance only.

    Surveillance : Year 2017 - CLEAR ./ Year 2018 - CLEAR / Year 2019 - CLEAR / Year 2020 -

  • Hi geezed,

    congrates on being 2 years post stage 1 diagnosis. surveillance always a nervous time, but you know that! 

    Just for clarity, if you do have anything on your lungs it will be pure seminoma testicular cancer that has spread to your lungs.  NOT lung cancer.  2 very different things.

    Also pure seminoma doesnt  show up as afp in blood, can’t definitively say the other 2 markers don’t show with seminoma...anyone else comment?  Hcgb and the other one....

    with a pure seminoma that requires treatment >95%  5 year survival rate.  

    BBut as your oncologist says ..probably nothing, not concerned.

    best wishes


  • FormerMember


    My husband was diagnosed with pure seminoma with a surveillance plan a few weeks back. He has some indeterminate marks on his lungs that they aren’t particularly worried about but will monitor through the surveillance plan.

    Wishing you luck with your scan. Please let us know the outcome. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I had the same experience. Stage 1 Seminoma. Post surgery CT scan showed a 7 mm diameter ground-glass density nodule at the bottom part of the right lung, which disappeared completely on the next CT scan after 4 months. The doc said that It was possibily due to some earlier infection. 

    It is important to follow-up the progress of the nodule though. Just keep it checked at regular intervals and at the same time, do not worry about it.