Testosterone gel

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  • 11 subscribers

From previous posts I know some members of the forum are using testosterone gels so just wanted to make people aware that there is now a new gel available.

About a year ago I discovered my testosterone was borderline low (in the 10-12 range) so since then have been using Testogel at 2 pumps per day. It has definitely helped me and I found it fine to use but it hasn't raised my levels a great deal. Rather than increase the dosage I have been changed to a new gel called Testavan.

I have only just got some this week (several pharmacies say they can't get it yet) but the main difference is that you don't have to get the gel on your hands which is less messy and less chance of inadvertently passing gel on to others. Basically you pump the gel onto the special lid and rub the lid on your arm/shoulder. It is supposed to absorb better than other gels so the starting dose is 1 pump instead of 2 which in theory should mean the pump bottle lasts twice as long and wont have such an effect on my skin (I seem more prone to spots since starting gels). 

I wont know for about a month until I get a blood test but am hopeful I will absorb Testavan better than Testogel but I find not having to get the gel on your hands is a real plus.

There does not seem to be very much info online about it as yet but you can find some info including instructions if you search.

  • FormerMember

    The amount of testogel and testavan you take are both very low, I am surprised you even get a change with 2 pumps. 

    I have been on TRT for just over 3 years, I was on 2 sachets of Testogel (2 x 50mg) and this worked very well, when they brought out the pump and cut back on the sachets I was on the max 4 pumps per day and this was not enough, I was increased to 5 pumps per day.

    both the gels - 2 sachets or pump 5 pumps kept me in the high teens / low 20's when tested, the correct way of being tested is applying the gel around 7am in the morning, then having blood taken the following morning before gel is applied …… BEFORE, not after.

    I am now trying NEBIDO Injections and my testing on this is coming in at 24

    My SHBG has always been on the high side which strips testosterone but my free testosterone is also coming in good, I have had difficulty getting my SHGB tested on NHS