Histology results back

  • 6 replies
  • 13 subscribers


So this afternoon we met with the urologist to get results. He did not go into major detail but did tell us it was classic seminoma and at stage 1. The results of the MDT are that we will meet with an oncologist for further information but at the MDT the oncologist had recommended surveillance.  They hope that the indeterminate markers on his lungs do not grow but will be regularly checked. In six months time he will also have another ultrasound to check the small indeterminate mark in his remaining testicle. 

So feeling positive.


  • Aw worried mam that is amazing news!! Stage 1 pure seminoma is as good as it gets after a TC diagnosis. So so glad for you all! 

    Hope your husband is recovering well and that you have a lovely Easter together. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Spirited

    Thank you Spirited

    is that what your husband had also? With just surveillance?

    best wishes x

  • My husband actually had a mixture of seminoma and non- seminoma. His had spread via the blood which is unusual and popped up on a lung nodule. Therefore he was given a course of 4 cycles of EP chemo ( as he was over 40 he opted for that over 3 cycles of BEP which poses a greater risk to the lungs if over 40). 

    He is on his last cycle this week and has coped remarkably well. He is very positive and just lives in today and I am so grateful for that. The prognosis is good and so far we feel very lucky. 

    Anyway, genuinely delighted at your news and hope after the oncologist appointment that you can get back to normal life. 

    Take care x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Spirited


    Good to hear that he has coped well with his treatment.

    Thank you for your support. 

    I wish you both all the best in the future x

  • Hi Worriedmam,

    Great news on being a stage 1 pure seminoma, and on to surveillance.

    With it being pure seminoma, even if surveillance ever flags anything up you are still in the 95% survival bracket.

    Congrats and on with life!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Odbball

    Hi Dan

    Thank you for your message! It is like a large weight off our shoulders (even though will always be at the back of our minds).

    best wishes x