Nerve pain (?) after surgery

  • 1 reply
  • 12 subscribers

Good day,

first of all, pardon my English, I am not a native speaker! So here's the deal: l had an orchiectomy done in the fall of 2016. Ever since I have felt a sort of dull, nerve pain in the crotch/scrotum area. TBH the sensation is quite similar to the pain I felt when the original tumor was discovered, except this time the pain is on the other side. The pain seems to come and go and when it hits, it usually lasts from a few days to a week or so. It also appears to depend on the position of my body, so for example If I lay on the sofa with my legs up, the pain is more noticable compared to sitting upright. I am now getting a bit worried since this time the pain has lasted longer than ever before as we are talking weeks, not days. I consulted a doctor about a year ago, but he said it's nothing to worry about and gave me a prescription for a naproxen based painkiller. I've tried it now, but it does not seem to help. Should I be worried? Thanks in advance!

  • Hi,

    With the op being over 2 years ago, it will have all healed by now.  Did you have a prosthetic inserted - could that be the cause?

    it does sound like a nerve has been effected.  

    I don’t think you need t be worried, I’m no doctor mind!  I would go back to my dr, and express my concerns so that he could help.  As we have all learned, nothing gained by delaying see the doc.

    take care
