Seminoma recurrence, 3 rounds BEP chemo

  • 6 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Good morning all, 

After a year of being cancer free after being diagnosed of Stage1 Seminoma and having adjuvant Carboplatin back in summer of 2017, my cancer returned this year into my pelvic lymph nodes and I am now going trough 3 rounds of BEP chemotherapy.

I am currently on my second week of my 1st round of BEP, I did my first week 5 days as inpatient now at home.

This is just a little insight of how my chemo goes and how do i feel.

The 5 days in row it felt alright at the hospital all i felt was a bit of nausea and fatigue but was managed well by the antisickness tablets and a lot of sleep. I hear a lot of complain about NHS but the staff at the hospital, doctors,nurses and all Macmillan staff are just simply amazing and making this horrible journey much easier! However once I got out of the hospital and got home a really uncomfortable feeling just hit me and I did not feel good at all. It is funny enough I can not describe this feeling in other words than its like "living in someone else`s body" and it is a worse feeling than the nausea or the fatigue as i feel like I don`t know this body, he doesn`t know me :P I know sounds extra crazy. I did not have ear issues, I didn`t have enough tingling in the fingers, so far the side effects been just nausea, fatigue, probably a bit of "depression" even tho I dont fee mentally down but just this feeling which pushing me that makes me feel like living in someone else`s body :) Oh and Chemo brain, now this is for real :) Slow thinking forgetting things but it is actually funny sometimes. 

And so far my favourite foods while on chemo : Corn flakes and toast and butter. Whenever I felt hungry and nauseous these foods I was still able to eat and even stopped my nausea couple of times.  

Also, i have to give myself some injections at home (Zarzio Filgastim) to boost my neutrophils but last night I experienced the biggest pain in my entire life. Apparently this injection causing some bone pain as it puts the bone marrow in turbo mode to produce neutrophils and my one felt like a machine gun would keep shooting in my pelvic and lower back bones non stop for about 8 hours. But luckily this has stopped and I do not need more injection of this probably until the second week of my 2nd round which I am already affraid of. So far this injection was the worst thing that has happened during this first cycle. 

Now I am wondering how should i prepare for the second round? Does anyone has advice from own experience? Is it more difficult than the first? Is it gets worse? 

I know this affects everyone differently but I would really like to read some of your experiences. 

Keep up the good fight! 


  • Hi

    I'm sorry to hear all you went through during your first round of chemotherapy so I can quite understand why you'd want advice on how to prepare for the second round. As I don't have any experience with chemotherapy I'm afraid I can't help but I noticed that your post had gone unanswered. By replying it will push the post back to the top of the page where hopefully someone with the right experience will see it and reply.

    If you don't get any responses you could post your question in ask a nurse, where one of the specialist nurses will aim to get back to you within 24 hours, or phone the Macmillan Support Line and speak to one of the specialist nurses on there. It's free to call on 0808 808 0000 and is available between 8am and 8pm 7 days a week.

    I hope your second round of treatment is easier for you than the first was.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you latchbrook for keeping up my post! 

    I have already spoken to nurses and doctors and in big lines I kind of know what can happen during cycle 2 but I was just about to read some personal experience of other people who went through this. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Huni

    Hi Huni,

    my son is currently undergoing the first week of the third cycle , it seems all side effects on him are the same like during first and second cycle , only one thing was worst that he got atrial fibrillation during cycle 2 second day after Bleomycin infusion.But Dr.Einhorne said that AF isn’t related to chemo. So we are now making appointment with cardiologist.  Suggestion: better drinks without coffins.

    Drink as much as you can , and rest as much as you can.  I am very happy his tumor markers are all normal after cycle 2,  looking forward to CTs results the end of BEP.

    It is hard time, but evething going to be bright is encouraging.

    I wish you all the best.

    Amy, Ryan’s mum 

  • Thank you for your reply Amy, it helps a lot. 

    I am really sorry that Ryan developed AF this is something I did not read about anywhere in testicular cancer treatment publications, but I see that the biggest specialist already had his view about that. Wishing Ryan all the best soon it`s over for him and I am really hopeful that CT will show the results you wished for. 

    I am trying to drink much water possible but last time when In hospital for 5 days all water tasted salty/sweet (I know its funny) and It was really difficult to drink, so i replaced with mint tea for example or iced black tea which helped with the taste. 

    Anyways, even tho i don`t know what`s waiting for me in cycle 2 i feel ready and just want to get trough it quick as possible, so even though my oncologist gave me the choice to delay the start of my cycle to to 26th of December to avoid hospitalisation during Christmas eve and Christmas day I just said pass and asked to proceed with the Cycle 2 on the 24th of December. I will get trough this and hopefully i will have many more Christmas to celebrate at home with family. Now every day completed on chemo is a small success and celebration for me!

    I wish you and Ryan all the best! 


  • Hi Huni

    Not sure if you are still active on the forums but I wondered how this was picked up?

    Did you have any pain, if so what was it like ?

    How frequently were your surveillance appt's, if it was those that picked it up.

    Cheers - Phil

    Blogging about my BEP journey... 
  • Hello Phil! 

    I`m not here actively every day but I come back from time to time :)

    My appointments at the time when they picked up my recurrence were 3 monthly. And that was what picked up my recurrence, more precisely it was my blood tumour marker (HCG) which came back high and kept going up.Then we kept tracking my tumour markers for another few months without chemo etc only bloods and ct and after few months they picked up a small lymph node in my pelvis. Then they kept checking that lymph node monthly and when they noticed that it constantly growing then we decided we can not avoid to have treatment. For a fact my bloods shown the cancer so early that they couldnt find it first in my body, it took like 4-5-6 months until finally they could say that there is a lymph node growing and thats where the cancer is.

    I did not have any pain or any other physical symptoms at the time.
