What do do/Who to tell/Questions

  • 6 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi All,

First post, so a bit of background. 

I was out running last Friday, when I was in the shower post run I felt a small "lump" (more like a small grain of rice) on  the side my right testicle. obviously I was concerned so went to the doc straight away. I was seen that afternoon, and the doctor agreed he could feel something and wanted me to go for an ultrasound. I have that booked for next Tuesday morning have am driving myself mad. I have a 6 month old lad and you can imagine I'm thinking the worse, I'm sorry if this post seems dramatic, I just needed to mention it to someone. I'm also not sure if I can feel an ache or if its in my mind!

I haven't told my wife anything, as I don't want her to worry but I think she can tell my mind is somewhere else at the moment. So far I've blamed work. 

It did take a couple days for the surgery to arrange a scan, and I'm told it's gone over as routine and not urgent which I guess is a good thing. I have a couple questions, any help would be great....

1/ Lumps/Bumps on the side of testicles tent to be more sinister? is that correct? as it cant be anything blocking the tubes?

2/ the bump is hard and seems to be on the surface of the testicle, does that have any bearing?

3/ Do they say anything at the ultra sound, give you any indication on the results?

4/ due to the bump location I cant see what else it could be other than the obvious. - what else could it be?

I'm feeling quite apprehensive at the moment, and didn't know where to turn, so thanks again for taking the time to read. any advice/replies would be great.


  • Hi Addzz,

    No need to rush to tell anyone, from what you describe it doesn't sound like TC. We have the 'grain of rice' description so many times, and in 7 years, hearing that description once a month,  I can't ever recall it being TC. It's right to get it checked though. These are most commonly cysts, totally benign.

    1/ Masses inside the testicle, sub-surface tend to be more sinister, not grains of rice on the surface.

    2/ Sounds like a cyst

    3/ Depends on how brave the technician is feeling. Imagine if they told you the wrong thing (either way), without a consultant having checked. Its good to ask when you'll get the results and how. The more relaxed they are about timing the better.

    4/ Cyst is my bet

    Chances this is TC are pretty slim. If it is TC (I'm betting my remaining testicle it isn't), then is 101% curable if all within the testicle, and 98%+ curable otherwise. Treatment ranges from a simple day-patient operation, up to 12 days treatment spread over 9 weeks (I had this, and have had worse flu).


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gregm

    Hi G,

    Thank for for coming back to me so quickly, and I appreciate the kind words.

    I guess I just need to chill out a bit and see What they say - what do you think about the ache? I'm not 100% it's aching but then sometimes I feel like I've had a swift kick! Might be all the prodding around I guess?

    Cheers mate,


  • Hi Addzz,

    Right now, if you're anything like we were, you're going to think every sneeze is confirmation of TC. Leave your nuts alone for a bit, and try and park the worries, the scan will come soon enough.

    Take care,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gregm

    **update** GET CHECKED OUT GUYS.

    Hi all, exactly right - cyst it was.

    I was in the ultrasound for 10 minutes, and was told cyst nothing to worry about. So glad I got checked out, would say to anyone go and get seen if you're not sure! Not the least bit embarrassing, takes no time at all and gives peace of mine.

    Really appreciate the replies on here guys, helped me calm down and not worry


  • Phew, my spare survives for another day.

    Great result, well done for getting it checked.


  • Gregm, thanks very much for your comments on posts. I am in a similar predicament, and my anxiety has been going through the roof. But your comments have been encouraging. I have my 1st gp appointment on Monday