Me, my prosthesis and I - My experience with Testicular Cancer - Ch.2

  • 13 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi this is the second chapter of my experience.

You can read the first part where I talk about the discovery and the surgery here:

Today I would like to tell you why I have decided to have a prosthesis and how it feels today after three months after surgery.

When I was told that I needed to have my left testicle removed I was worried about many things some more serious then other.

One of the less serious one was my physical look.

So I was given the option to have a prosthesis in place of my left testicle and I knew straight away that I was going to have that done.

I am happy about my choice as it helps forgetting that you are missing one testicle when you have a shower, at the gym changing room, when I am with my wife etc.

I have to say that it helps to trick my brain into not feeling any different.

For two to three weeks after surgery the prosthesis feel a bit alien and a slight nuisance as it finds its "place".

But after that initial period I almost forgot about it and it does not feel in any way wrong at all.

I was a bit worried as I have read that it might hinder surgery recovery, but it was not the case for me.

The only time that it was giving me a similar alien feel and being a nuisance it was just after my session of carboplatin and for few days after that. I cannot possible explain the reason, but that is how I felt.

I reiterate that I am happy with my choice. It helps with forgetting and it did and does not give me any problem.

I will keep talking about my experience in future posts about my post surgery and the session of chemo that I underwent.

All the best !



  • FormerMember

    Hi Simon

    I agree, I didn't have a prosthesis the first time, but did this time and am glad I did. It does feel a bit weird but glad it's there.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Sadly I lost my right teste in December just before Christmas, surgeon didn't give me  an option to be put at the same time but asked me to consult in few months time. I am seriously considering to get one now but I am scared of scar in groin and going through pain again. I would really appreciate if you can share the surgery procedure i.e. did they put in from scrotum or groin ? I had my teste taken out from scrotum so don't have any scars round groin area and one in scrotum barely noticable  the fact its missing :/. I had private consultation and they willing to operate me on scrotum rather than groin area but it is expensive. has anybody got it from nhs from scrotum if so please share details as I would like to be referred to same surgeon.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Falcon, 

    Do you really want to go through this ordeal for the sake of vanity? Another thing that can potentially go wrong. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I have always been fitness freak and this brought my confidence level really down. I know girls don't mind etc but it is not for them it is for my own happiness,  I hope everyone understands here how hard it could be losing one, I can feel now that my body is coming to its terms in terms of testosterone level etc (I am  getting back to normal except pain here and there )and only thing will be missing is that ball so might just get that in place too. please share your experience of surgery and scars and post surgery pain it will be really helpful.


  • Hi,

    I had my prosthetic at the same time as my orchidectomy. I opted for a modest sized one, and I've been happy with it ever since - pretty natural, no problems. If I had to guess I'd say we here more problems from those who have had a prosthetic and didn't get on with it, than those who wish they'd had one put in. That's to be expected as something present can cause problems, where the absence of something is more a emotional/psychological impact. So, that all said, my personal experience is good, and I'd say go for it, it can be removed if you don't get on with it.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    as you have probably read from my experience I had a prosthesis in place during my surgery so I cannot comment on getting it done with a second surgery.

    In my case it took few weeks to settle and to ind its place so to say. in the first few weeks it was bothering me a little as it has a different consistency then our original testes and therefore in some position might give some extra pressure to the remaining one and give you a bit of pain.

    Right now I do not even feel it anymore. It found its place and I guess I have adapted to it as well.

    Everything feel normal and look normal.

    I had my surgery through the groin, but the cut is an hairline and it is almost invisible.

    It is getting better every weeks that passes by.

    From the experiences I have read some people had problem with it and some did not.

    Depend  a lot from what you actually want.

    I am happy that I did it and for now I have not problem at all.

    Hope it goes well for you, whatever you decide to do.

    All the best!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Simon, 

    I'm new here and just after a little advice - my husband is facing having his second testicle removed age 43, 13 years after the first. He's very mentally and physically strong, but we're just wondering about prosthetics. He didn't have one before, so he's had 13 years with only one. He's unsure whether to go with none, 1 or 2 this time. 

    I wonder if having two might be too much of a change amongst everything else going on? Any thoughts would be welcome. He's very active and we have three young children (definitely no fertility problem for us) so I just want it to be as smooth as possible for him

    Many thanks

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi falcon, 

    First of all I would like to say that you should not feel that you have to justify the reasons why you would choose to have a prosthetic.

    The choice is only yours, we are all different and with different need and perspective. 

    I had mine placed in at the same time they removed my left testicle,with a cut on my groin (in the hairy area) and the scar was minimal and with time is looking less and less obvious.

    Keep in mind that now a days scar tend to be very flat, they are just a red hairline really. 

    Hope this helps.

    All the best for your next steps and recovery. 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Katja, 

    Thank you for getting in touch. 

    Is great to hear that you had kids, that's very nice. 

    I can only tell you how my experience has been so far and what I would do. 

    My choice was dictated by the fact that I didn't want to see/feel the difference and that worked. I very rarely think about my illness and even after a shower or when I get changed I am not reminded of my history. That was my choice and that worked for me. 

    If I had my right testicle removed as well I am sure I would keep two prosthetics. 

    I am 43 now as well and quite active as well and I ride a motorcycle every day, just to give you an idea about lifestyle. 

    Depend a lot on how he wants to live this experience as well. 

    I am not sure what else to say. 

    If you have any more questions or need further details I am happy to help. 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Katja, 

    May I ask how did your husband discover cancer on the remaining testicle 13 years after the second one? 

    Must have been a crushing experience for both of you. 

