
  • 4 replies
  • 8 subscribers

Hi, a couple of months ago I felt a lump in my right testicle no pain etc, thought nothing more of it however my cousin has since had tests about other medical issues so it has set my anxiety off I've been referred to urology and are going this week, I'm terrified does anyone know how long it takes to get answers! 

  • Hi Andrew1 welcome to the forum. Will this be the first time that someone has seen or felt this lump in your testicle? I'm imagining that they will want to examine you, they may want to do a scan to see what is going on and maybe they may want to take a biopsy. Or they could decide to do nothing I'd the tests reveal no need for intervention if that makes sense. Time frames are a difficult one as they can vary so giving you them and then it takes longer only makes that anxiety worse. However, a usual wait can be between 2-3 weeks for results. 


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  • Hi, You should have answers fairly quickly, I've been through this twice now. The urologist will physically feel the lump and if they think the lump is on or in the testicle you will pro abky be sent for an ultrasound within the week. They will also take blood to check for one of 3 tumour markers. You will not undertake a biopsy due to the risk of spread if it is cancer. If they suspect cancer they will want to remove your testicle, there is no way of confirming cancer other than examining your testicle once it has been removed. Try not to worry too much, cure rates are extremely high for most testicular cancers.

  • Thanks for your reply been this morning and the urologists had a feel and has said he's 99.9% sure it's a tunica alublgenia cyst! But sending me for a ultrasound as he does with everybody! So positive news, however it sounds mad I'm not sure how to process this news! 

  • Hi

    that sounds promising if the Consultant believes it could be a Cyst.  The ultrasound is a fairly standard part of the process in my experience and should either confirm the Urologists thoughts or prompt other action.    

    Try to keep an open mind and go along with the process, trust the clever folks looking after you, they have done it before!.  It is, of course, a worrying time and we all deal with these challenges in different ways.   Good luck for the next bit .
