Ache in remaining testicle

  • 1 reply
  • 7 subscribers

Went to GP who felt remaining testicle and found nothing so also paid for private ultrasound who also found no evidence of cancer but did find a small varicocele, some "pearls: in the scrotum and a small hydrocele.

Sounds like other people have experienced similar aching in the remaining testicle post operation?

Is there anything else you would advise me to do?

Next appointment with oncologist next week

Thank you

  • Sorry to hear you are experiencing discomfort. I also experience pain but I got chronic epididymitis. Swelling of the tubes on remaining ball. Also alot of aches and sharp pains from gone ball(left) and scar area. My docs have not been able to help with anything unfortunately. Just have to deal with life for me basically. You'll get best information from your next appointment but if it's really bad keep pushing for help. I'm kinda stuck with it now and just get on with things 
