Serum alkaline phosphatase level

  • 4 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Hello, I am writing this on behalf of my father. He has suspected testicular cancer - went for a CT scan yesterday and has had blood work. Having the affected testicle removed in a week. The consultant has said it is most likely cancer and everything certainly points to that.

Of particular concern so far has been his bloodwork. His serum alkaline phosphatase is high - 172 u/L. From what I've read, this can mean that liver and bones are affected which is terrifying us all.

Is anyone able to offer insight into this reading? Can anyone give any hope? Sorry, this is really new to all of us and our lives have been completely turned upside down. 

  • Sorry - should have also said, he is 57 years old which I understand is an unusual age to be diagnosed. No symptoms other than the lump which is not painful but is now uncomfortable.

  • Good morning, I’m so sorry you have this worry, my husband had a ultrasound scan on the 31st Jan which diagnosed a tumour , was told he needs it removed asap but still nothing from the hospital, he’s having pain in his groin /testicle, it was only two weeks ago he was given a discharge from the hospital following a hydrocele surgery then sepsis followed quickly after , I’m unsure what the next thing is? It is a shock when you get that initial diagnosis 

  • Hello, I am so sorry that you are enduring this too. It is such a testing time, especially when you don't have a clear diagnosis or treatment plan in place. Our hospital have moved quickly - I'm not sure whether this is due to the severity of my dad's case, or simply whether there are more resources/lower patient numbers in our area. I hope you get some insight very soon and wish you all the best - it is an incredibly emotional time. Sending hugs xxx

  • Sorry to hear what your father is going through at present. I’m sure you’ll have answers soon, and I’m no doctor but to offer some reassurance I don’t believe testicular cancer spreads via liver and bones. I guess you are worried about a mass spread but I wouldn’t. Your dad would definitely have symptoms if it had spread past the testicle. It goes to the lymph nodes on the groin first. I had zero symptoms as I was lucky to catch it early and it sounds like your dad has done the same. All the best