BEP and the heart

  • 3 replies
  • 8 subscribers

Hi all,

I hope you're well and having a good day,

Back at the start of July I was admitted to hospital and subsequently diagnosed with suspected testicular cancer. I'm 29 years old and have a history of cardiomyopathy.

I underwent an orchidectomy which was successful and histology results revealed I had a mixed germ cell tumor consisting of 85% embryonal. This was a strange result for me as my blood tests were normal pre and post op.

Although my CT was clear my oncologist recommended adjuvent chemo for one round to prevent recurrence as there was some lympho-vascular invasion, and the embryonal component presented a higher recurrance risk.

My worry is about doing chemo and the effect on the heart, has anyone experienced any heart related trouble on BEP?

Thanks for taking the time to read my query, I wish you all the best!

  • Hi Drewby

    I hope you are doing ok. I also have problems with my heart and in my experience it has been affected by treatment. I’d definitely speak to your cardiologist if that’s possible and see what they say, maybe they can give you some solid advice. 

  • Hi Jo,

    Thanks for your response, I'm doing relatively okay, the fact it was caught so early and CT was clear is a massive relief,

    as it happens I have a meeting with a cardiologist today so will definitely ask,

    What sort of troubles did you experience? Im hoping I won't get some horrible palpitations but will have to wait and see I guess,

    Thanks again,

  • I’m so pleased they caught it early! 

    oh that’s brilliant that you have your cardiologist appointment, even if you think a question is weird still ask it! 

    So I have 2 stents due to damage caused by treatment and a icd. But I have been through the mill and I’ve had a lot of different treatments at various stages. I don’t want to scare you off and if they have suggested the chemo i would take it, but it’s entirely your decision. Prevention is so important. In the beginning I didn’t have any problems which I’m sure may be case for you and if not thats what the cardiologist is for :) I wish you the best of luck today!