Beta HCG values after the surgery?

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a year ago I went to urologist to check on my testicles as I didn't felt comfortable with the right one. I've been postponing that for too long, but I wasn't even aware how long. I'm sure it was more than 6 months because it was October 2021 when I've decided that I'd need a check.

Anyway, after about 6 weeks during which I've done MRI, blood tests, sperm deposition and exams with several doctors, I went to surgery and my right ball went to ball heaven. Apparently it was seminoma and I just need to check on LD, AFP, Beta HCG and do US, CT, RTG regularly.

My question is.. All markers values were below critical, I mean in the regular ranges.

Before the surgery (April 2022):

AFP 1.4 Ug/L  (<7)

Beta HCG 1.3 IU/L (0-2.6)

LD 191 U/L (<241)

After the surgery (May 2022):

AFP 1.4 Ug/L  (<7)

Beta HCG <0.1  IU/L (0-2.6)

LD 168 U/L (<241)

So only value that had significant drop was Beta HCG.

The results were similar in November as they were in May.

Now, end of March 2023, my Beta HCG value is 0.2 which, although still well inside the reference interval is an increase. And now I'm kind of freaking out inside. Is it coming back? is it something else?

Are there other factors that could affect it? I am under lot of work and life stress lately and I lack sleep.

I have sort of continued my life as usual after the recovery and I haven't had and depressive thoughts or anything as I thought it's done. Ugh...

Anyone here care to share your marker values after the surgery for comparison? Please..