Testicular cancer

  • 8 replies
  • 8 subscribers

Hi, this is still new to us. My son has just had in confirmed that he’s has testicular cancer. He has another blood test tomorrow and a full scan on Tuesday. What’s next for us, time/treatment? My wife and I and his other half are very stressed. Any one else had the same experience thanks 

  • Hi there. Sorry to hear about your son and what your family are going through. This site is extremely helpful (it helped me). Take some time and read through the many shared experiences and you will find that yes your son is due for a rough ride but ultimately this is probably the best cancer to get. If he’s caught it early his op and treatment (if required) could all be done in 6 weeks. 

    if you search on my username you’ll see I kept a brief diary of my experience. I’m a year clear now and feel exactly the same as I did before diagnosis. I get tired in the day sometimes but  I'm happy with that (plus I’m 48 so no spring chicken). If you have any questions please ask and I’ll do my best to help.

    Obviously I’m no doctor but I’d expect your son to have the operation with 2 weeks (if not sooner) followed by a ct scan (mine was 2.5 weeks after my op). I was home 4 hours after my operation and sore for a week or so (wasn’t that bad). Depending on the ct scan and blood results his treatment plan will be decided by an oncologist. Caught very very early they may offer surveillance only. Mine was stage 1 and was offered the choice of surveillance or one shot of adjuvant chemo. I was told with surveillance I had a 75% chance of all clear in 5 years. With chemo it increased to 97%. For me it was a no brainer to take chemo. It wasn’t that bad. If there are signs of the cancer spreading he require a few rounds of stronger chemo. I can’t comment here as I was fortunate enough to catch it early. Fyi I felt the lump about 6 weeks before I went to the doctors. 

    All the best 

    good luck 

  • Much the same to what goldenball said. I was diagnosed just after him. I'm now over a year clear. I was 2 weeks after being told I had cancer to surgery an 2 weeks till CT. I was the fortunate one to be all clear after that. I've since been on surveillance but all looks good. I was 2/3 weeks to recover from surgery. No heavy lifting for several months after tho. Don't want to risk damaging the scar. Surgery is quick and you are out the door within hours. Any questions don't hesitate to message me. 

  • I’m definitely getting some relief from the fear and anxiety this is causing all of us by reading yours and others journeys. At the moment it’s consuming every second of my life. As you mentioned about speed, yes things are moving pretty quickly. He’s already had his US and blood test tomorrow a CT scan on Tuesday. I obviously don’t have any details of what and when anything will happen after that. It’s turned his life upside down. He has a very manual job and obviously can’t now do that, he’s also a Retained Firefighter so that’s now a big no no. I’m just hoping now that any op or treatment starts PDQ. Thanks for reading my post and responding. Many thanks Roger 

  • Thanks for reading and responding. I now have some more insight into this type of cancer, Knowing that my son (aged 47) is not the only one in the same boat and the information that’s been given to me definitely helps so thank you 


  • About the physical job side of things. I am a farmer. So very physical job. I was worried about getting back to labouring after surgery. I took it easy and after a couple months got back to light dutys. Then onto life as normal a month or so later. Not had any issues. Depending on his job, I would try getting a little time off  

  • Hi Thanks very much for that insight, it has helped out greatly. I know a farmers job is tough and a 24/7 commitment. I will pass your comments onto our son thank you thank you cheers Roger 

  • Hi, how is your son now?? How did treatment go? 
    I am now 15 months since my operation and all going well as planned. I was stage 1 classic seminoma with rete invasion. Had it out and one cycle of carbo. I was around 6 weeks from diagnosis to op then another 6 weeks I think to my chemo, which is right on the last timing I could have it I think. 

    I hope everything is getting better for you all now 

  • Hi James, very nice of you to remember and ask. As you for it’s been a stressful time. Our son has had his operation to remove the said item that happened only 11 days after the diagnosis which was pretty quick I think. He’s had 3 rounds of chemotherapy and steroids which changed his attitude and he had violent reactions to it. So he spent a lot of time in a yurt by himself and a good book. He’s now off the steroids and now waiting for the chemotherapy to subside then he has the final tests and scans. He feels very well and has started back at spin class but only gentle. We are all now waiting for the tests to take place hopefully with positive results. As for you sounds like you’re very similar hope you get good results in the end 

    best wishes 
