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So first appointment in oncology and results are in..

90% Embryonal Carcinoma
10% seminomA

 CT shows spread on each lung, showing one spot on each lung, so I am going to have 3 rounds of BEP in the new year. Quite shocked with the spread but the doctor was very positive, reassuring and real about everything coming for treatment.

If anyone has some advice and tips with going through 3 cycles please do pass them on 

  • Hi  

    I've just popped in from another group as I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet.

    I've done a search in the group for previous posts which mention BEP and found these for you to have a look through. You could respond to any of the more recent posters if you think they can help you further.

    I have recently finished chemotherapy for a different type of cancer and found that I hardly had any side effects, so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that this is the same for you.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

    Wishing you all the best with your treatment.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi.  I am really sorry to hear that you are facing this.  I have had experience of the BEP treatment and started the treatment in December last year.  I found the treatment for the first few days fine. Appetite reduced but no real side effects. The fourth and fifth day we’re harder and started to have bouts of sickness and getting really tired.  I found it important to eat when I felt like it rather than at set times as I could not eat large amounts at once. 

    I am generally quite active and fit for my age so the lethargy from the drugs was a shock but I just slept when I needed to and tried to walk and move around when I felt more able to do so. 

    The Bleomycin sessions were short but be prepared for your temperature to rise. it is one of the side effects and hit me every time.  The best thing you can do here is to get the paracetamol ready and take it once out of treatment  I found that helped in the next cycles  

    I did have quite a few side effects and was admitted to hospital a few times due to my immune system being so low. I did speak with others who had BEP and they had minimal side effects so I hope you have this experience rather than the complications I had. My wife still thinks I was attention seeking to this day. 

    On the plus side for me I am now all clear after a final op to remove the residual mass from my lung. All markers back to normal and scan clear. Good luck and I am sure you will be on the positive side in no time.

  • Hi Lewis, sorry for the delay in getting back to you, and so sorry you're going through this at all. I'm sure it was a massive shock, but do trust in doctors—they've seen it time and time again, and know what they're talking about!

    My husband is currently undergoing 3 cycles as well (onto his last cycle this week). From his experience so far, I would say:

    - The time goes much faster than you think it will so take each day at a time—you WILL get there!
    - I'd recommend regularly checking your temperature to catch any bugs or infections quickly—much easier to sort out at home in those early stages if you do have anything. Your team should give you a thermometer at home, but otherwise, I'd really recommend investing in one.
    - If you are unwell/nauseous/uncomfortable, say to your cancer team. There are no points for martyrs when it comes to medicine, so just shout and they can look at getting you better medication/making you more comfortable. For instance, my husband felt quite nauseous during cycle 1, but in cycle 2, with better anti-nausea, he largely went about eating/drinking as normal. This cycle, he took oral thrush, which was uncomfortable, so he's on some preventative mouth drops for that, too. 
    - Get some comfy joggers and jammies, and make a wee list of TV shows you're keen to catch up on! The treatment is mostly boring, so make it as pleasant as possible for yourself. 

    Best of luck for starting your treatment. It's very daunting just before you begin (I remember it rained like the world was ending the morning we arrived at the hospital!) but you'll get into the normality of it very quickly. Drop me a message if you have any extra questions/are looking some support! Good luck!

  • I am sooo sorry for the delay in getting back to this responses!! thanks so much

    Overall 1st cycle hasn't been too bad. Physical symptoms haven't been too bad main one has been minor constitipation. it is probably okay I am just use my habits and going to that to minimal has been a bit of a change for me. Sore mouth is starting to kick in for me. 

    Mentally haven't been too great mainly I think due to lack of sleep that I am use to further heightening my emotions and the mentality of getting through trreatment has been a lot. Been very emotional in last couple of days. Think going to phone the support line just to release it all and get rid of the stress energy a bit. Not that I can talk to my support friends and family about it but think I want to keep their support and professional help separately. 

      how was your husband with your 3rd cycle?? 

  • No worries at all, Lewis—you have enough to be thinking about! Always look after yourself first :) 

    Yes, my husband had a bit of constipation during his treatment—I'm sure they're prescribing medication to keep that moving okay—and the sore mouth is a very annoying symptom! My husband used a moisturising mouth wash, a pain relief mouth wash, corsodyl for the ulcers, and nystan for mouth thrush—bit of a concoction, but it seemed to manage things okay. Again, just shout if you're uncomfortable—they can offer so many different things to help get you through it.

    I'm sure it has been taking a toll mentally. I noticed such a difference in my husband's mood come the final cycle—it's such a psychological journey, as well as a physical one. Definitely talk to someone about it, whether on Macmillan or a therapist, and see if you are entitled to any grants towards that kind of help. The doctors will look after the body, so you look after your head!

    My husband just finished his third cycle (though he still has 1 last bleo injection to get as it was pushed back!) and he's doing much better. Not nearly as tired as he had been, mouth ulcers gone, and just feeling a bit better about everything. He definitely found this cycle easier mentally, and he had fewer complications from it too—I suppose mostly because he knew what to expect from the symptoms!

    Hope you're taking care of yourself anyway, and keep us up to date on how you're getting on if you get the chance :) Best of luck!

  • Hi Lavender!!  Hope you are well!

    So Just finished my intensive days for cycle 2! Glad to see the back of them. Main thing seem to be heartburn, indigestion and nausea this time around but slowly settling down overtime. Overall feeling okay for just now, managing to sleep okay bar peeing throughout the night so that's been good. But also started the steroids that I now know was causing the sleepless nights so just going to roll with it this cycle and see what happens. 

    But yeah I did go to my local maggies before my last bleo shot of cycle one and definitely helped to speak to someone about things. Think the main thing I have not really processed is simple thing of how scared I was with this all going on so was great to get all the emotion and feelings out and got me fresh and focused to get through the rest of it. Least onto the small bleo sessions for the next couple of weeks.

    Hope you are keeping well and I'm guessing that your husband is all finished now which must be a relief!! 

  • Hi Lewis! So sorry for the delay in getting back to you—hope all is going well this week!! How many days left have you left of your treatment? You must be nearing the end now? 

    Really glad to hear that you've been feeling since talking about everything that's happened to you. Sometimes you don't even realise just how stressed you are until you start talking about it, and it's always nice to have someone there to give you some perspective. 

    And yes, my husband is all done—at long last! Got the all clear on Monday so onto surveillance now :) happy days.