Newly diagnosed. Wish I can have a little guidance

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Hello everyone I’ve diagnosed about 2 weeks ago. I did the surgery to remove the right testical. They found it to be nonseminiona with 64% Embryonal carcinoma 35% Choriocarcinoma and 1% yolk sac. im here to share my info and see what if anyone can give me a idea on what I’m dealing with.

my blood tumor marks before surgery 

AFP= 179



blood tumor marks 7 days after surgery 





ive also done CT scan and the doctor said everything looks normal on the scan as of now. 

if anyone can please guide me on what dealing with. I’ve been so worried after getting the new blood marks back and nothing haven’t changed a lot. 

  • Hi. Glad you got seen and the doctors are saying all looks good. Time to heal. Don't sneeze or cough or laugh for a while. That shit hurts. Won't take you long to be back on your feet. Unfortunately I can't help with your diagnosis as I had 100% mature teritoma. Which means chemo isn't possible for me. Bit of a shitter. But luckily they got it all and I am still clear. Just need to get check ups all the time. I hope someone on here will be able to help with some info you are looking for. Best of luck 

  • Hi Wes. I had a different makeup of tumour so can’t comment accurately on your diagnosis. Having a clear CT scan is surely a massive good sign though?! If there was a problem I’d expect  something (lymph node) to show up on the scan. I think they will check your bloods again and wait for things to settle before deciding on a treatment plan. Do you have another appointment booked in? 

    Good luck! 

  • Hi Wes!

    So sorry to hear you're going through this—it can really feel overwhelming in the beginning with everything moving so quickly! I'm not sure how much info you've already received about next steps, but I'll let you know what my experience has been with my husband. 

    He was diagnosed in July, had surgery in August and it was found to be a non seminoma tumour. Clear CT scan and his blood markers were all elevated. In particular, his AFP was 2200 or so. By the time we got to our oncology meeting, the AFP had fallen to 350 or so, but we were told they couldn't start any chemo treatment until the blood markers were normal or had shown signs of plateauing/creeping up again. This would then inform them as to whether he would need just 1 round of BEP chemo or 3. 

    Do you have an oncology meeting soon to find out what your next steps are?

    I would say for now that:

    1. Trust your doctors to do the best by you—if there was something wrong/needing immediate treatment, they would be on it.
    2. Don't be afraid to check in with your cancer nurse or the nurses on Macmillan if you're unsure of anything—sometimes a quick question can alleviate a lot of worry.
    3. Keep in mind that this cancer is so, so treatable, and if your CT scan is clear, you've caught it nice and early. Your story is very similar to my husband's and he was told that he would be just fine—so take some comfort in the fact your future is looking very bright!

  • Hey Andrew thank you the response 

  • Hey golden ball I have another appointment for blood work 

  • Hey lavender thank you so much for the detailed response. I have an other blood work appointment in a week to see if anything went down. Before surgery my AFP was 182 HCG 3368 and LDH 146. 7 days after surgery the levels were AFP 152  HCG 3686  and LDH 152. I’m trying to be positive but the one most thing that I keep of thinking about is the other testical getting cancer. Not sure what to expect