Advice needed, feeling angry and confused.

  • 7 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Afternoon all,

I hope your all doing as well as can be. I've spoken to macmillan who have been brilliant and advised me to try the forums. I know I'm a lot luckier than a lot of people but I've had some issues since my diagnosis. I don't want to write pages so will try and keep it as short as possible.

Basically I got diagnosed with TC back in April, things seem to move pretty swiftly with diagnosis and sending me for test etc. I had an issue with the consultant who was very arrogant and a lack of information being given to me regarding my operation, the operation even got cancelled the day before I was due to go in because I hadn't had tests etc. Anyway I finally had the operation mid May, I had a good team and everyone was brilliant. All went well and I had a good recovery. I was back at the urologist on the 7th June and told I needed a course of chemo as I had 1 marker. I attended my appointment with the oncologist on the 22nd June and was told I would need one course of chemo carboplatin as belt and braces but I didn't have to have it. I said can I have a few days to think about it before committing.

I did agree to have it and went for my kidney function on the 4 of July, I generally thought as long as the test was ok I would be getting the treatment within a week or so. Well after a couple of weeks not hearing anything I started to chase the hospital up. Basically I tried contacting them numerous times and unfortunately never got any responses. I ended having to put a complaint in as I just wasn't getting anywhere.

There is now a big investigation going on so I don't want to say to much. I'm 15 weeks since my operation and after seeing my consultant this week if I don't have the chemo next week I cant have it. The issues are I'm booked to go away the beginning of October, I didn't see this as a problem when I had my kidney test as I thought I'd have more than enough time for recovery also I found out my dad (75) who has been waiting for an operation for nearly 2 years is going to have his op around the end of September. He even told his consultant my situation as I've been having to run around and look after him as he has limited mobility. I'm self employed and work in the construction industry so I know I will need more time off if I have the chemo but I'm now wondering if it is worth having it because of the delay.

I've been reading posts on here and am shocked to see people who had the chemo had the cancer back within a short space of time, also some people had the chemo within weeks of their operation. I am angry that I've been left, and the worse part was hospital staff actually lying to cover themselves. I'm just not sure what to do now, being honest I'm swaying away from the chemo.

Thanks for your time in reading this, any input, advice would be much appreciated.

  • Sorry to hear about your diagnosis and subsequent issues, what a nightmare. I was lucky enough to have my chemo within  a month of the operation. I think 2 weeks is the minimum as your wound has to heal so the risk of infection during chemo is zero. Have you had a CT scan and further bloods taken recently? If you had your chemo in June you’d almost be at the surveillance/ tests time. 

  • Hi Goldenball1, thank you for the reply. Yes it's been a nightmare unfortunately. I only had the one ct scan which was before my surgery beginning of May. I have had blood tests in June and on Tuesday when I saw the oncologist. Apparently I've got to get more done this week as they didn't order all the tests, I think these may be for the chemotherapy if I have it which they haven't actually confirmed if Friday is possible.

    I hope your recovery is going well, how did you actually find the chemo, was you reasonable after 4 weeks? Sorry if you've posted details about it, I have read cases over the last day or so and your post could have been one of them.

  • Until this whole shitty episode I would say I was a bit of a wuss with injections etc. I’d never had an operation. Now I’m a gladiator! The chemo infusion is not t  he at bad honestly. Naturally you’ll feel anxious but I was totally focussed to just get it done. I was in the ward for 2 hours then eating a kfc 30 minutes later! I had some bad headaches and still have a bit of fatigue but after 4 weeks you’ll be able to do almost anything. Just take it easy and listen to your body. Personally, I left running etc for a couple of months, I just couldn’t be bothered. My oncologist told me I’d only need to take 2 days off work. I’d like to see him return to work after 2 days! I was off for about 3 months.

    I hope you do get your chemo this week. 

  • Thanks Goldenball1, I must admit, your post made me feel a bit better about things, also gave me a laugh too. My oncologist said a good 2 to 3 weeks, I'm surprised yours said 2 days, that's insane. I hope I'm not off 3 months though even if it does give me a bit of time to do things for myself. Thumbsup

  • That's a horrible experience you've had. My treatment was great initially, but the aftercare was chaotic and disorganised and has been getting worse. With regard to your health, if you've been offered, not recommended, a single cycle of carboplatin it is to reduce your chances of reoccurrence from low to even lower.  

    My experience with carboplatin was similar to Goldenball1. Rough like a bad hangover for a couple weeks, then up and down for a few more weeks, then a slow steady improvement as you get over the fatigue.

    Best wishes


  • Thanks for your reply G. I'm having the chemo tomorrow morning. Yes it's not been the best and still frustrating the way they deal with things. I just want to have it and get away from them. I'm going away for a few days in a month so I'm just going to focus on being well for that. I hope your doing well and over the worst of it now.

  • Best of luck for tomorrow. It's a weird experience. I was surprised by the scale of it on the day. 80 people a day have chemo at my hospital, and most of them are far sicker than you or I.  Just make sure you take your anti nausea meds on schedule. They forgot to tell me that one of those meds is a powerful steroid and sends your appetite through the roof. I couldn't keep off the cakes and pies.  Then just take it easy for a few days and then take each day as it comes.  You'll have days when you feel normal and days when you feel knackered.  But you'll be through the worst of it in a few weeks and getting back to normal in a couple months.

    Best wishes
