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  • 9 subscribers

Does anyone know if it’s a small lump like 12mm can it have already spread far in the body?? I’m worried sick it’s spreading I can’t even be normal during the day GrimacingFace palm tone1‍♂️

  • At this size not likely. If it has spread it will show up on a CT scan with contrast. Testicular cancers usually spread first to the local lymph nodes but I would certainly not worry until you have had had the scans!

  • Thanks for reply bud. It’s so hard not worrying as you probably know. I keep touching it and thinking it’s getting bigger. It’s ridiculous to think I am a fully grown man and I’m literally struggling mentally with it all. The weekend has not helped at all as I feel like I’m in limbo. 

  • God don't I know it! Try and ignore it - you don't wanna agravate it anymore. I had mine out a couple of weeks ago. Feel like a new man Slight smile

  • What size was yours bud? Did u notice and go straight to the doctors? How were the nhs?? God I’ve got so many questions mate. I hope your feeling better mate. I literally just want it out to feel better!! I bet it’s such a nice feeling!!

  • Went in for an ultrasound the day I found it - I was on holiday in Thailand so was a private hospital. They said they'd take it out the same week. 

    Opted for the free option on the NHS. Saw consultant in Bham and they had it out within 2 weeks. Sore but easy enough recovery - morphine was good in the hospital!

    Now doing a course of chemo to make sure it doesnt come back. Feel a bit sick but its not so bad - I'm about 24hrs post infusion. 

  • Mine wasn't a lump. The tumour had taken over and displaced almost the whole nut, so it was 42mm or 4.2cm which took it into a slightly higher risk category.  I just noticed the nut going a bit firmer and only very slightly larger over a period of a few months.  It hadn't spread further than my nut though in all that time, and my treatment went like clockwork.


  • Mate that’s good news. That has eased my mind a bit. I can’t wait for a few more weeks to pass and I can be here giving other people my experience and any advice I’ve got. I’ve literally told every male I know to start checking monthly. It’s not worth the risk is it?!

  • A friend of mine at work lost a nut when he was very young. When I got my cancer it made him a nervous wreck. He was checking himself really thoroughly multiple times a day and hurting himself in the process. Then he thought the pain might mean something is wrong. he got himself into a right state. It's easy to get a bit obsessed with worry.

  • The odds are on ourside I suppose mate. That’s crazy really. I met someone about 10 years ago I was 24 and he just lost his nut, he was 31 and I thought it was awful. I asked how to know and he said trust me you will know, the truth is I did about 4 weeks ago I noticed it was a bit firmer so was checking a couple times a week then suddenly I felt the bump 2 weeks ago. I showed my wife and she could hardly feel it but I knew it wasn’t right so went doc’s last week. I’ve got to say I wasn’t that surprised when diagnosed. So glad I found this forum all you lads have really helped me the last few days.