testosterone levels

  • 2 replies
  • 8 subscribers

forgive me if this has been covered elswhere , but new here and unsure how to navigate the forum . Had one testicle removed 4 days ago and am uncertain , and concerned that this is likely to have a big impact on testosterone levels ..my GP and Urologist assured me this was unlikely to be a problem and was not something they "look for "    I find this a bit disconcerting as I am unconvinced that this would have no impact !  It is not just about vanity , i need to be physically strong for my job , sex is very important to me ..and healthy hormone levels are hugely important to mental health , metabolism and maintaining a decent weight and muscle and compromised hormone levels can lead to all kinds of poor health in an older man , I am 49.  I understand that the NHS seem reluctant to address male hormone issues.  Does anyone else have any experience of testosterone  testing /replacement  after orchiectomy ? I have heard the NHS guide for "normal " T levels is unrealistically low !   Will a private Endiocrinologist be more willing to prescribe ? I am going to test myself privately once things settle down , and told my GP in no uncertain terms that if i fall below a reasonable level , near to that which i was ..and they are unwilling to treat I will without question source testosterone supplementation myself regardless of legality !  which I would prefer not to do but unwilling to spend the remaining days of my middle age compromised hormonally !   apologies for going on a bit !

  • Hi. I'm just 49 and lost a nut about 20 months ago now.  My testosterone levels didn't really change. I did have a baseline level from a load of blood tests I had done for another reason about a year before my operation.  I get my levels checked in my surveillance bloods every few months.  

    I was a bit paranoid about it all, so I started weight training as I'd heard that can increase levels by up to 20%. Mine did go up by 17% which took me above my pre op level.  

    There is a very good chance that you won't be affected by low T, so try not to worry.

  • thank you , thats an encouraging response !  i will be making some major lifestyle changes so would hope I will be able to maintain a decent level of testosterone !  i was training very hard before my op ..so I dont think i will be able to change my levels just by training ..but will do whatever it takes !  at a point where i might as well go with it and do all i can to sort it out !