Looks like a Second TC

  • 2 replies
  • 7 subscribers

Last time I was on here was November 2019. I had a 40mm seminoma in my right tests. No spread, been under surveillance since, all clear.

last month I felt my survivor firm up a little and felt pain. Haz ultrasound and they found an 8mm lesion on top of testicle and a 3mm at the bottom. The guy doing the ultra sound was not sure what it was, so referred me to have an mri scan - which I had yesterday, so now just waiting. I can’t believe it, I’m building myself up for the worse I’ve read others who have had it again but all were years and years apart, mines only been 15 months - it’s unheard of.

I thought that they were able to tell if it was cancer or benign on the us, not sure why I had the mri, I wonder if they’re scratching their heads too as been so soon since my last diagnosis 

I guess I’ll find out soon

not sure if I can do this again.  

  • I imagine they want to be absolutely certain, so they will throw everything they've got at this before making a call. Useless me saying you shouldn't worry, but things will be different in the process of diagnosis this time. They won't want to be making any assumptions or best guesses.

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Teahupo

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. 
    The urologist consultant called me today with results and even after an ultra sound and mri scan they still don’t know what it is lol ! He told me they are now sending the results/images to barts hospital for a specialist to look at. He did say on the phone it’s very small (8mm) almost in a way to say kinda don’t worry ...

    anyway... a little more hope I guess