Adjuvant Single Dose Carboplatin

  • 2 replies
  • 8 subscribers

Good morning, 

My husband was diagnosed last month with PT1 classical Seminoma. He had CT, bloods and then orchiectomy which revealed tumour was small at 1.5cm and contained.

Oncologist says 15-20% chance of reoccurring and offered surveylance or one dose of Carboplatin. My husband is deciding to have the one dose of Carboplatin as he said he wants to do all he can to reduce the risk of reoccurrence.

My main concern, other than the chemo itself, is they say they will then just do bloods every 3 months and a scan once a year after. If the seminoma doesn't show up on bloods, how will they know if it has spread? His first bloods before the orchiectomy were HCG<1, AFP 5.4 and LDH 311. They didn't give us the readings of new bloods taken on Friday, the oncologist just said at the appointment on the same day that tumour markers were ok.....

I understand the LDH was raised before the op, so is that the marker they will look for after? 

  • Hi

    I was/am in the same position. Had one removed in April and single cycle of carboplatin in May.  I'm now into surveillance. My original tumor didn't emit tumor markers and so I'm wondering if the bloods element of the surveillance is worth it. I'm assuming that if it did return in my lymph nodes, or potentially lungs, that any new tumor might show up in bloods, but I'm not sure. They've dropped the chest x-ray element of surveillance, so now there is only the annual CT scan that I have much confidence in. Not sure what the answer is apart from trust the doctors to know what they're doing.

    Statistically the chemo drops the chances of recurrence to very low levels, but I fully understand your concern.

    Best wishes


  • Hello Littlecake1

    Sorry to hear about your husband and I wish him well with his treatment.
    I was similar to your husband ,diagnosed two years ago with PT2 seminoma, took the one shot of carboplatin as I like your husband wanted to reduce the risk.  My blood markers at the time were not unusual so had similar thoughts re surveillance. In this years September appointment my LDH showed a spike, I had no other symptoms other than on and off back ache which I put down to exercise , was sent for a scan which picked up a relapse in my retroperitoneal lymph nodes, so currently going through 4 cycles of EP.
    So hopefully to reassure you, surveillance does work, but even with a relapse the success rate is around 95% , so as long as you stick to your appointments you are in good hands. Would I have changed anything, no, would still have done the carboplatin , as in my experience though you feel crap for a week or two is very manageable,  just be confident that your husband is in good hands. 
    I hope this is of help

