My son started BEP 5 day Chemo today.

  • 4 replies
  • 7 subscribers

So after a whirlwind 45 days from seeing his dr my son is starting chemo today.   He is an in patient at a Cancer hospital.   He is 20 years old.   

I am a teacher ... he has told me he has to self isolate for 3 weeks after coming out of hospital on Saturday.   The question is do I have to, he is living back at home at the moment.  He is beginning his 3 yr at uni but we have spoken to them and he is continuing at home until he feels he go back.

Do his dad and I have to self isolate?   any help or guidance would be great.

  • He will be very vulnerable to any kind of infection or disease until his blood count gets back to near normal. When I was in that situation my wife, daughter and I didn't self isolate but we practiced very strict social distancing in our bubble of three.

    I would suggest teaching in a school and having any kind of contact with him for the three weeks would be very risky.

  • FormerMember

    Hi somebodysmum, 

    From personal experience I would recommend that you be cautious. I went in for my first 5 day BEP in February, the following week my daughter had a bit of a cold but nothing we thought too much off. Anyway, I ended up in hospital with neutropenic sepsis and pneumonia (it was far worse than the chemo).

    I think the advice from Teahupo is very good and with the risk of COVID then I would definitely encourage you to be careful. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Teahupo

    Thank you for your reply and apologies for not getting back to you sooner.  Its been a whirlwind week.   The update is that we dont have to isolate - but he does for 14 days from coming out of hospital yesterday.   We are practicing very strict social distancing and my work have been really good and I can have time off if required - by the looks of it I think the vulnerable will be shielding again shortly.  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your reply.   We are being exceptionally careful... luckily he is a 3rd yr paramedic student so is really up to speed on noticing early signs of infection ... nevertheless its strict social distancing here ... noone is allowed through the door and when I or husband come home from work we change and shower immediately.