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  • 28 subscribers

Hello , I joined last night.

My husband has stomach cancer and is fed by an Nj tube and is currently in hospital as we can’t manage his symptoms at home, he continuously vomits until his kidney start to fail. His MDT meeting is today and I’m just so nervous but at least we will be there to receive an update.

At this stage we don’t really know anything but that it’s stomach cancer and potentially spread, really need a plan to go forward so we can start to have a bit of a life but I’m sure that’s a long way off.

if anyone can suggest any questions then please do as I go blank.

well I hope today is kind to everyone. 

  • Hi

    You will have lots of questions running around in your head.  I would write them down before the meeting and take a notebook with you to write things down.  It’s really hard to remember afterwards.   There will be a Specialist Nurse who will be available afterwards to answer any questions and you will feel better once you know what is happening!  The uncertainty is the worst thing!

    Good luck today! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thanks , yes I’m going to go now and get here early. My husband won’t speak to them , as he’s in hospital he pretends to be asleep when I know he isn’t , it’s just his way I suppose. 

    But yes good shout I’ll ask where she’s located as I’m sure once it’s sank in he will have questions for me to ask. 

  • Hi

    How did you get on today? Hope you got some positive news and a treatment plan?



    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi ,

    Thanks for checking in, so we were told it was it was a rare cancer linitus plasticises or something like that. They will start him on chemo next week but he’s hospitalised at yeh moment because he can’t stop vomiting which is upsetting me now as he needs to be at home. 

    They will try and get us a meeting with the oncologist on Friday but they didn’t give us much of a prognosis, is was just have chemo and wait and see.


  • That’s a step forward!  Chemotherapy can be very effective, it eradicated my cancer and for others it shrank the tumour!

    They are often reluctant to give a prognosis and every person is an individual not a statistic!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thanks , I can’t wait to see him tomorrow to tell him this. 
    I really hope it does what it should , I’ll keep you posted x