Hello all,
First time poster in this section. So here’s an introduction!
Almost a year ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Had a large amount of breast removed where they found a new primary cancer, so two types in one breast. What fun!
Got through second surgery, and 4 weeks of radiotherapy all ok. Not fun but every day tried to make the best of things.
3 weeks ago I had a reduction of my ‘good’ boob as was very uneven. Surgery went well and I thought it was time to move onwards.
10 days post surgery I developed a clot in my leg which then travelled to my lung. Was rushed to hospital with breathing difficulties. Staff brilliant and got me on the blood thinners and on the CT scan within 4 hours so all good. Was asked to return the next day as they had seen some nodules on my lungs they wanted to investigate.
Returned the next day to find I’d been booked in for a CT scan of my abdomen, no idea why!
Back to the hospital again a week later (yesterday) to be told I’ve got a GIST and to await a biopsy and PET scan to explore further.
Still in shock but busy researching everything I can! I don’t even know what questions to ask!
Any advice would be appreciated.
Sorry for the long intro!
Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community
Gosh, you have had a lot to deal with in the last year! It seems completely unfair that now you have to deal with a GIST.
I'm not a member of this group so don't have any experience with GIST but I noticed that your post had gone unanswered. By replying to you it will 'bump' it back to the top of the page where hopefully someone with experience of GIST can give you some advice.
As it's a type of soft tissue sarcoma you might also benefit from posting in that group which I see you've joined. Clicking on my link will take you there and you could copy and paste your post from here into a new one there.
I have found this information from Macmillan for you on GISTs which you might not yet have seen. You might also find this information on the sort of questions to ask helpful.
When you have a minute it would be really useful if could pop something about your journey so far into your profile as it helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar diagnosis. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Edit Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.
Dear latchbrook
Thank you so much for your warm welcome and all the information in your reply. It is really appreciated. I'm absolutely coming from a place of shock with this latest hit and jumping for the phone every time it rings.
I know that the MDT were due to meet today and my case was being discussed, I don't even know what the team is, stomach specialists??
I'll do some more reading and try and get some idea of the questions to ask, many thanks again.
Although it was nearly 3 years ago that I was diagnosed with cancer I do remember that feeling of shock very well
Hopefully you'll get to hear soon what was discussed at the MDT meeting today. This meeting usually consists of a surgeon, medical and clinical oncologists, a radiologist, a pathologist and the nurse specialist who will be responsible for looking after you.
Hello latchbrook
Unfortunately I've no response from anyone on this or the other group, other than yourself and also not a word following the MDT meeting on Monday. Pretty much feels like I'm lost in the wilderness to be honest.
Sorry to hear that you haven't had any replies from anyone else who's had a GIST
Have you been assigned a cancer nurse specialist (CNS) as they would be your point of contact at the hospital. If you give them a ring they should be able to tell you what's happening.
latchbrook - there in lies the problem, I've not got a point of contact, name of the consultant or been assigned anyone as a point of contact at all. It was discovered during an emergency visit due to breathing difficulties thanks to a clot on the lungs. No one to contact. I called the day unit where they actually delivered the news yesterday to be told they didn't know anything more so just wait to hear from the MDT, but couldn't even tell me who the MDT were.
Probably the best people to speak to if you don't yet have a point of contact would be the Patient Advisory and Liaison Service (PALS) at the hospital. They should be able to find out what's happening for you.
Ahhhh thats really helpful, thank you. I shall try and contact them now.
Were PALS able to help you yesterday?
Nothing from PALS as yet, only have an email for them so adding that to the literal list of people who have not returned my call or email...
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