What does this mean please.

  • 8 replies
  • 24 subscribers

At long last we have my husbands results from his total Gastrectomy 11th January. Can you tell me what Pt3 means please, also N0…M0..V0..R0…G2. I know G2 is the grade. He didn’t have chemo so I’m anxious to know if this is good or bad , he had clear lymph nodes as well. Thanks xx

  • I Sue from what I can see from searching I think pt3 relates to the tumor size but I'm sure others will be able to give a definitive answer. 

  • Thanks Mike, yes that’s what I googled, there’s lots of different things for different cancers, they just want to confuse us.

    How are you, any news on when your operation will be yet x

    Sue Xx
  • I'M fine apart from neuropathy in my toes driving me nuts thanks, no news on operation yet not even got a date for my CT scan, I will call the CNS if I don't hear anything by Friday. The operation should follow 2 weeks after the CT all being well. 

  • I would have hoped you’d have heard something by now. Let’s hope it’s not too long to wait. Good luck 

    Sue Xx
  • Sue

    I am not sure but the 0s are positive!  You are through the operation so that’s the best thing!  
    Hope he is recovering well!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thanks Jac, yes he’s doing fine at the moment thanks, he starts radiotherapy for his Lymphoma next month, just hope it doesn’t affect him too much.
    Thanks for all your help and hope you’re doing ok xx

    Sue Xx
  • Hi Sue, it’s good and should should both be very happy !

    N0 means he had no lymph node involvement, M0 means no metastasis to other organs, V0 means no vein involvement and R0 means a clean resection either side of his stomach removal had no cancer cells found in it ! 

    If he’d have had chemo there would be one more score which is the TRG (Tumour Regression Grade) where they look at the fibrosis and analyse it to grade how effective the chemo was at nuking the bad cells.

    Well done to you and Mart !

  • Ahh thanks Red10, I had googled it a bit but you said it so clearly, it’s also lovely you remember his name,  you’ve also  been a help in the past  on both sites x

    Sue Xx